And how, exactly, does it "seem the best"?
Please post something substantial to make a point with facts, not opinion.
Otherwise just says it's you're opinion.
Well seeing as this entire thread ISNT about opinions or ISNT near complete speculation or suggestions and the fact that you yourself have obviously included nothing but facts... ill back it up with what Tod said, and what makes the most sense to him, Bethesda, and me. The attributes created either totally rediculous situations, annoyances, or used only to augment fatigue, health, and magika. Ive said it before, but seeing as there is always a couple people who actually think an arguement is to be made here, ill break down each atrribute.
Speed, made you run fast, rediculously fast, so fast the game became laughable. Skyrim will probably pull a Fallout, set speed, you go slower in heavier armour. Better option to use
Luck, pointless, affected about 6 things that wernt huge to begin with, then it just raised other stats.
Strength, damage (taken over by perks and skills) amount one can carry, taken over most likely by perks.
Endurance, Health Stamina thats it. Taken care of
Agility, Bow damage, taken over by perks and skills
Willpower/Intelligence, Raise and regenerate magika, taken care of and perks will most likely be used to assist in both catagories.
Everyone goes bananas over attributes, when if one takes a step back and actually looks at it, they wernt so great. Made leveling a calculated decision, once raised too high things turned to the rediculous side, and all the important things they did are now taken care of by simply Health, Magika, and Stamina. The new system does seem to be the best, and those are my facts, not that I needed them seeing as this thread and nearly 98% of all posts here are COMPLETE opinion, speculation, or ideas for "improvement" that wont happen in Skyrim.