I was never saying kills weren't important, I was simply stating that they were not the "holy grail" like PKB was making them out to be. I understand that Brink is and FPS, and that people are going to be killing and getting killed, a lot, but to act as though kills surpass everything as the most useful tactic, and then to ridicule anyone who things otherwise, is just plain ignorant. This is what I got from PKB, and this is why I carried on the argument. And PKB, you can save me the "obviously you didn't read what I said," speech, since it doesn't matter what you said, it's how I perceived it. Yes, it's a shooter, yes killing a big part of that, but it is not the focal point in Brink, and shouldn't be for any team based objective game. Besides, the point of the original discussion was if K/D should be a stat when determining xp, and since the game is not centered around killing, and actually encourages you to "take one for the team" to get the job done, K/D should hold very little merit when determining how much xp you earn.