On the southern coastline is the most civilized area of the land. Mostly ruled by a governor and a small part of it the Aldmeri Dominion this is where most role-players start out and where most will probably stay. The capital is called Anvil Nova. However further up North is a land where only the courageous and strong can live. As the North is ruled by Orcish tribes, Nordic tribes, Breton Tribes, and a smaller tribe consisting of Dunmer refuges.
So right now I need help with this, I will be the GM but I need atleast one Co GM to help me with this. And you can contribute to what ideas you like as well, as long as it makes sense to what it says in the mod. As for the Mod itself it's not yet released and I have nothing to do with it. I'll let the creator of it know. So what do you think?
Any information can be found here http://frontierskyrim.wordpress.com/
Political map: This map contains the boundaries of all the factions. http://frontierskyrim.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/frontiermappolitical.jpg
All will be joinable by any player when it starts.