This sounds good. very good. I would very much love to role a character for this and be in. I too enjoy down to earth RP's, i don't understand those who "charge in a swing" thinking it makes any reasonable sense.
Hopefully you can get a Character sheet format up soon. I am already thinking up the ideas

I have plenty of free time for this too, i do almost nothing but hibernate on this ol' 'Puter.
I'm curious though, what is a good timeframe to expect this to begin? I'm eager as a beaver
So if the characters all have crowded around the base is that where we'll begin? or will it start as the tower emerges? I'm sure you're working this over I'm just curious on how the beginning of RP will be Implemented into the story.
Thanks for a great Idea :goodjob:
Could be tonight, tommorow, next week, a month from now. Depends on how much interest and feedback i get.
Any ways, heres a new op.
Just a general warning, i wont be accepting any other character sheet formats, read everything i wrote and fill it in accordingly -- not trying to be a nazi about sheets or anything, its just that what you put may very well effect what happens to your character as an indevidual.
Twenty-eight days six hours forty-two minutes and twelve seconds after the staples of time and destruction usher in the fourth and final era of man, the Obsidian sword of the end times will penetrate the virgin ground of the nexus of the world and shake the realm to its knees. Rivers will dry and famine will reign, the skies will sing in storms as they engulf the Black tower with their thunderous embrace.
- Prophecy of the Diamond Tablet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The First day of the forth Era. It began with a whisper.A whisper carried on the wind with the defeat of destruction; a whisper the fluttered through the hearts of thousands and drew them closer to the source, a whisper that spoke every word known with beauty that was not.
It was unnatural, unbelievable, but they heard it. In droves of hundreds people flocked to what they where now calling the Nexus -- Cyrodiil. Gathering at the foot of Gnoll mountain where the whispers had drawn them to, the Diamond ruin sat atop of the mountain, a prism of a thousand never before seen colours in the light of Magnus.
Only one man entered. A simple scholar of no claims to fame or any groundbreaking intellect, not in comparison to his peers any way. However, where every one else heard a beautiful whisper he heard something different, a desperate scream clawing through his mind.
He re-emerged seconds later though to him is had been a lifetime, he did not walk out the same man, young and full of life. He walked out shrivelled bitter and grey, speaking in tongues that none knew, holding a diamond tablet tightly to his chest. The only words anybody got out of him in a language that could be understood where simply
Twenty-eight days? The Obsidian sword?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Twenty-eight days after the appearance of the Diamond ruin. It ended with a scream.
The screams of hundreds, pain anguish and fear, all drowned out by the destruction as the spiralling Obsidian tower reduced the Imperial city and the surrounding land to dust and rubble as it commenced its corkscrew climb to the heavens. The few people who saw the towers birth died immediately after as a bellowing storm engulfed its walls, spiralling around in a torrent of black clouds and white thunder.
Then the climbing stopped, the tower stood still, cradled in the arms of a relentless unnatural tornado. People gathered around the remnants of lake rumare all transfixed by the great monolith, some screamed of the apocalypse, others preached of the coming of the gods who would finally walk among men.
The only person who did not sing scream or preach was the wizened old scholar who ventured too far into the diamond ruin; he didn't say a word as he walked across the still standing Imperial bridge that once connected the City to the fishing town of Weye, he just walked on and disappeared into the storm.
It took twelve hours for anybody to notice he had gone; by then heroes, adventurers, soldiers and scholars gathered with the horde of people gathered at the edge of Rumare. The Champion of Cyrodiil amongst them, standing in the centre of a fire lit camp in the same glistening gold dragon armour he had been awarded by the Elder Council, a meagre reward in his own eyes for all he did for the empire.
He was the second to enter; alone and proud, he walked across the bridge to the storm-shrouded tower, twenty-eight hours later he left, but not by conventional means. Hundreds of people took a break from debauchery and celebration, fear and preaching, prayer and singing, to see a body in shining gold armour falling through the spiralling black smoke that acted as a veil to the tower.
The body never hit the ground however, with a crack of white lightning and the grown of a demonic thunder he was whipped from the sky, disappearing into thin air.
Now many people question what evils lay in the tower, they wonder how the champion could so easily be over come, they whisper of the end of times.
Not much is known, but many believe that time is running out.
Character Sheets:
Name: (Nicknames and pronunciations as well if possible)
Age: (don't have to be specific, a ball park figure like 20-25 or 40-45 will suffice)
Race: (If you're a vampire mention it here. No half breeds at all, I don't want to be sending people character sheets back saying they cant be half dunmer half Breton just because they want red eyes and light skin.)
Gender: (obvious)
Birthsign: (Don't make anything up and we should be golden)
Appearance: (includes height, weight, build, and hair colour eye colour hair style facial hair, everything you can into this bit.)
Clothing/Armour: (Please keep it realistic -- refrain from using ebony and glass and Daedric and other extremely rare materials such as that.)
Weapon: (Same again, no enchanted gear, maybe you can find something later but not now.)
General skills and talents: Do NOT just give me a list of major and minors, not interested. Please don't just tell me he uses a sword, what kind of swords? What kind of fighting style? Etc etc, describe it.
Personality and temperament: (How is your character under pressure? What is he/she scared of? What is his/her ambition? Are they funny? Sad? Humourless? Bitter? It all goes here..)
Brief History: Doesn't have to be pages long, but please don't send me a paragraph with "Some years later" repeated every line with a small event after it, I wont buy that. I want some level of details, even insignificant events or what your character parents or first loves looked like, or their first home or where they currently live, its all relevant and may very well effect what happens to your character as an individual in this story.
Misc: Couldn't't fit something any where else? Put it here