... Life the “gift” of god or the curse of death. That was the only thought I had after I left that miserable excuse for an Imperial Jailer Ship, my second thought being how would I explain why I had been arrested and then released to a whole entire new land I’ve never seen before. All that I can remember before being arrested is the death of what I assume to be my chancellors, the burning massacre of the village I lived in and the bone chilling - blood curdling war cries of an attacking force.
I have decided to change my name to Splatulated, because after being imprisoned for three years followed by the deportation from the Imperial City in the province of Cyrodiil to a port town called “Seyda - Neen” in the province of Morrowind which resides on the island of Vvardenfell, I have forgotten the name given to me at writ of birth and it is unlikely any of the guards would care to tell me my name when they would much rather call me an “N’wa” or “prison scum”.
I believed when I got off the boat I would have to explain my self to a Legion councillor from what I had been told his name was Socucius Ergalla. When I was face to face with Socucius Ergalla I told him the name i had given my self while I was imprisoned, and he followed up by asking two questions. Question one was “why do you wish to be called Splatulated?” and question two was “why were you imprisoned?”.
I responded with ; I would call my self Splatulated because its the only thing I believe would best describe how I will end up in one word once I leave the doors of this Census and exercise Office, and if written on my grave would give a pretty clear picture of how I died. As for your second question, I could tell you it was for robbing a bank or murder... but the truth is it was for disrupting the peace or blasphemy as the guards put it.
I can only assume your next question is going to be how did I disrupt the peace and commit an act of blasphemy? And the answer quite simply is that I was a Doom-sayer, now if you don’t know what a doom-sayer is all I can tell you is that it is someone who yells out ramblings of imperishable doom such as “Death from the skies” and “the end is Nye be warned”.
After a long and what seemed to be an unending discussion about where I was and where I would need to go, I had been given some papers and an envelope (that warned that anyone caught reading its contents other than the person it is addressed to would be put to death), and went out side into the burning white light of day. After the temporary blindness disappeared I came across a wood elf or Bosmer as they like to be called who believed that with his ring he would be able to take on the whole empire and come out on top. I told him he was foolish to think so and proceeded by asking him how I could get to the city of Balmara. The wood elf, not liking me for calling him foolish only pointed to a road and then to what looked like a giant flea before stomping off and muttering curses under his breath. I looked down the road and saw many strange creatures flying and walking about in the marshy swamplands and thought to my self “ that doesnt look very safe and I’m no fighter so I’ll take my chances with the flea. When I finally got to the top of the hill over looking the city of Seyda - Neen, I asked a lone dark elf what the flea was for and he turned and between clenched teeth yelled “its called a Silt Strider and to call it a flea is an insult!” I hastily apologized for my ignorance not wishing to start a fight and asked if I could get a ride to Balmara. He said “I may for a price, which I had payed but it cost me extra for the training on how to properly mount and dismount the beast along with instructions on what to do if attacked by bandits.
A few days later I arrived in Balmara many septims poorer and badly hurt, the silt strider had been the target for a group of bandits that were holed up in Hlormaren which I learned to be an old abandoned dunmer fort (which wasn’t so abandoned any more) from my dark elf companion. When I asked him what a “dunmer” was apologizing for my ignorance again, he told me that “dark elf” was and is what the Imperial empire used when they invaded our home land, but dunmer is what my race is actually called. Before I left my unnamed friend to find the contact, I asked if he would join me but he refused because he had to tend to his “pet”, I then set out to find someone who might know of my contacts whereabouts. After an hour or so I finally found his house, but when I knocked no one answered so instead of fully insubordinating I promptly dropped a sealed envelope which I was told to go directly to my contact on the door step and walked away.
After finding my way back to the silt strider, I was over joyed that the dunmer was still there I decided to ask if he had a name he would be willing to share with me, just then he said something in a language I could not understand so I asked him if he could write it down and when he did the runes he used were like nothing I had ever seen before, they looked crooked and evil but at the same time powerful and godly. I then turned to the dunmer and asked him if there was any way it could be translated to english and he said the closest translation that I would be able to pronounce is “Sheograthe”.
Sheograthe then handed me the piece of paper which he had written on which turned out to have a map on the other side along with another piece of pare with more of the runes he had written down just a few seconds before telling me that the runes were the letters of the Daedric alphabet and the map had everything from the Bitter coast (where we are now as he pointed) to the Sea of Ghost. While studying the map I noticed an island about one forth the size of Vvardenfell to the north east and asked Sheograthe what this was, he responded by telling me it was the cursed island of Solstheim and he would tell me no more.
so what do you think so far?