Looking forward to the mods that add Max Max style power armor pieces for added effect. Something along the lines of WH40k Chaos Space Marines. And pink, Naturally.
I assume you are going to be hanging out in the junkyard searching for power armor.
I'll do a black with red or black with gold & i'll use the flame pattern shown at E3.
Shades of deep blue with some camouflage patterns maybe.
Natural red, from stomping on my enemies.
Now imagine killing a bunch of raiders and then, rolling around in their bodies for a fresh coat.
Companion: "Boss what are you doing?"
I would paint my Power Armor a military green, and use black to give it contrast.
My first thought when I saw this thread was: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1582&bih=528&q=fractal&oq=fractal&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1750.2666.0.2864.
"Huh. Just a cardboard box..."
"Whose footprints are these?!?"
Pink! Someone said it already, yes?
Now that that's out of the way鈥?I'm going for white and light/sky blue.
Red,with green eyes while wielding a ripper XD
im gonna go tribal if I can and if I can decorate my power armor with bones skulls and deathclaw hands all the better.
I've always wanted a suit of power armor that looks like it came from a construction site, so I'll go with dirty yellow and black trim.
Probably Black with orange accents.
Or white with orange accents if the black doesnt work well with the armor