» Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:51 pm
A little a bit from column A, a little bit from column B.
I always wanted to be a pilot, and if I couldn't, wanted to join the forces. And up until year 9 I was right on course, 90%+ on all my maths and science work, I developed asthma though so my fitness bottomed out, and believing that asthma meant no chance of the armed forces (the only way I was ever going to afford a pilot's licence), and I stopped trying, lost track of where I was grade wise. After that I just coasted through school right up until I took up guitar when I was 18. Quit the history course I was doing, started a music course now (20 now) and things are gelling well again. I feel like I'm in the right place, I'm not as talented as others granted, but I'm still new. All in all, I don't think I was mis-guided when I wanted to be a pilot, I was aiming high, but I was doing well until I thought it was impossible. Life changes though, I don't think it was laughable.