K/D in itself isn't a bad thing. Most gamers seem not to be able to keep it positive. I almost always am positive but it doesn't matter really unless it deathmatch and your idiot teammates keep feeding the enemy free kills.
I remember this one time on Frontlines I held a based for like 25 minutes with no help while the rest of my team failed to cap the other objective. Heck I would handily take the bots over the average FPS player. That's why I am trying to collect people to play with now.
But isn't the point that K/D seems to be the only stat that the current shooter fan cares about? In Deathmatch or TDM games I understand its importance, but why do developers continue to reward the player with the most kills and yet not penalize them for their deaths? I'll finish 12-4 but the player that finished 14-23 somehow gets more points; how does that happen when they gave the other team more points than they earned? You get rewarded more for handicapping your team? The entire system is flawed currently.
What's worse is that this flaw carries over to objective game modes where killing is often just as if not more important than the objective so the same player mentality carries over. Why capture a control point when they can simply camp it for kills? Better yet when a team is leading they all start camping for kills. The selfish nature of adverserial gaming is simply disgusting at this point. Add in blatant cheaters with no remose for their actions and it has me worried for the future of the world.
Anyway, back on topic is that Brink seems to reward players more for completing objectives or actions that benefit their team over simply killing and this is a very good thing. I can only hope that Brink will help to discourage players from their inherent TDM mentality.