Top things to add
- Ammo Crafting. Nuff Said.
- Community Armory/Wardrobe. Essentially this would be a place that you could "store" armor and weapons for settlers could go to grab their own weapons and armor. So simply enough you drop some decent armor and guns into this chest and settlers would go by on their own and pick it up. That way you wouldn’t have to equip each settler individually…
- Poison Resistant Consumables. There are a few very deadly poison dealing enemies in this game but only very limited poison mitigation wearables/consumables. Would be nice to craft some anti-venoms.
- Companion Marker on the Map. This would work just like the “display supply lines”. Just press a button while in the map pip-boy and it would highlight available companions.
- More unarmed weapons. There just simply isn’t enough – especially for endgame unarmed weapons.
- Traits. I love traits from F: NV and I know it was in the originals too. Traits are very interesting and add a lot of depth to your character. It would be great if traits like Small Frame could also permanently change your physical appearance. Might be too much to ask for though. Or by choosing that trait it could just adjust the ‘Body type’ slider to fit that appearance – and would be unchangeable once the trait is picked.
- Solar Powered Perk – add a rank to this perk that reduces fusion core usage by a percentage if you are wearing power armor while in the sun. (I mean seriously how did they not think of this???)
- Add Craftable-only creature armor. Various armored creatures (mirelurks, radscorpions etc) would now include random bits of armor in their inventory after death. So you could pick up a ‘Radscorpion Carapace’ or a ‘Mirelurk Shell’ etc. Those things could then be crafted into armor. Hides could also be crafted into clothing. Each creature would have certain innate things they add – so for example Rad scorpion would have higher energy resistance while Mirelurk armor would cause damage to melee attackers. I think you get the idea here. Crafted radstag hide would provide +2 agility. Crafted molerate hide would add +2 endurance. Essentially it would need to be bonuses not easily found in other bits of clothing.