Well actually, it's not my idea. This has been done before in an MMO: Star Wars Galaxies. When it first came, the game had an interesting WOUND system. It worked something like this:
*let's say you have a health bar of 100 points
When you were hit while fighting, you lose some health
*now you have 50/100 hp
When the fight ended, a part of your health bar was "blocked" (based on how much health you lost on the fight)
*now you have a maxium of 80/100
Your health regenerated after the fight ended. But now you have a maxium of 80hp.
You could only get back your 100 health points by going to a medic center. Now, my idea is to use a system like this one...
Imagine that a % of you total health were blocked every time you fought (every time you were hit or something), or progressively by not sleeping, or not eating. This could make the game more realistic because you would need to sleep often and eat and drink water. This means that you wouldn't be able to stay a whole week out there killing everything. That would depend on your combat effectiveness, and not only in how many healing potions you have on your kitchen (the inventory I mean). Maybe apply the same thing when using stamina or magicka points.
BTW! thinking about this, I remembered that SWGalaxies had a "camp" system. Why not use something similar? xP anti Fast Travelling guys could find this useful. And this would add a lot to inmersion, and survival... and exploring.. and gameplay.
Imagine deploying a camp (that you can buy or craft), near your next objective, or on top of a mountain with an awesome view, to sleep to recover some health, to heal form diseases, make potions or food with the bonefire (like new vegas), whatever...
What do you think?

this is my first post.. don't be so mean please ^_^