Ideas for a spellsword (RP)

Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:45 am

Hey all, I need ideas on a character, it's mainly RP based and I would like to spawn some plans and see what you people think, it's planning to be a Dunmer spellsword, and the skills so far I've been thinking in lines with

* Light Armor
* destruction
* alteration
* enchanting
* One-Handed
* Restoration

I might toss in block in there as well, does the "Shield Wall" perks work with weapon parrying?

And another question, out of RP purpose, should I wield a dagger or a sword? And will my dagger (if I use them) actually kill things?

Am up for any or all ideas as long as it's within RP playstyle :)

Cheers community!
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:23 am

I wouldn't bother with block perks for weapons, while shield wall and the bash perks work with one handed weapons, you can't block or bash with a spell equipped, kinda defeats the point of spellsword. Better spend perks on dispatching enemies more quickly. Kill them fast, no need to block.

Daggers work best with that tasty sneak perk, nothing wrong with a sword, good enough for Elric and Gandalf, I think it's just D&D legacy says mages use daggers.

Dunmer? Hope you are sticking with fire-based destruction. Don't have to, do what you like, but you know, tradition. Also, though they have a distaste as a general rule against necromancy unless it involves ancestors and tomb guardians, they have a tradition of dealing with Daedra, more since the fall of the Tribunal and the reinstatement of the Daedra in the temples, and a bit of Atromancy wouldn't hurt a Dunmer Spellsword in the slightest.

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chloe hampson
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:14 am

Only problem I have with "Atromancy" is that it feels like the atronachs become to overpowered in the end, but maybe that's just my opinion on things? I tried it before once and it started to feel more like a pure mage with that one going.

I agree on daggers though, it is a bit D&D to have daggers equipped, and I had a feeling that swords would be preferable..

I was planning on going heavy on fire and frost in the destruction tree, (personally don't like the lightning spells).
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:22 am

Personally I would build it this way:

Light armor


1H (sword)




I would choose smithing over enchanting to buff your melee potential. And you can choose more RP friendly armors without nerfing yourself too hard. Dance around enemy blows while healing in one hand and cast support spells with your free hand. Don't go block, it is more fun to try to avoid hits....this character isn't a tank. Buy swapable amulets for resistance and consider using the Lord stone if you don;t use enchanting. I would consider not using destruction at all and using aternatives like illusion to thin out your enemies and then coming in with your blade swinging. For close fights or dragons you fall back on conjuration. I think it would make combat a lot more interesting than cycling through ranged fireball spells and your weapon. And I would say go with sword as you need more reach and DPS than a dagger without sacrificing too much speed. Only go dagger if you are going the sneaky route.

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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:34 am

I usually dont have an issue with the skill smithing, i just personally fail to see how a mage based character have learned blacksmithing, my former dragonborn was a heavy armor, two handed wielder for example, he had blacksmithing but not enchanting because, well enchanting is for pancy mages :smile:

And cant i enchant like boots, rings, pendants to increase my One-handed damage by X amount? I would love Illusion though, seems like a very fun school to play about with, but it seems hard since as my character levels up slashing and burning things etcetera, the mobs get tougher and eventually resists my illusion spells.. Illusion has always lacked behind those times i tried using it, maybe am doing something wrong with it am not sure :smile:

EDIT: Again am not to keen into the use of Atronachs, but i could go conjuration just to Soul Trap mobs and make life a little easier for myself.. I have a think about that

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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 12:27 am

Good points. Personally I find swapping between two offensive schools a little tedious. I find it is fun to base combat on destruction OR on 1H, but not on both as combat will be: spot enemy, hotkey fireball, enemy approaches, hotkey sword. Rinse, repeat. I think if you only had 1H+support skills it would make the build more fun and varied.

What about NO 1h and this build:




Light armor


That varies heavily from your build but it could be fun. Try to get as many sniper kills as you can and fall back on your light armor and destructions skills in close fights and against tanky enemies. But to me, personally, that looks like a pretty traditional Dunmer build which would fit an RP nicely.

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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:14 am

You might as well go vampire with that skill set. I made a dunmer like that that combined Morokei with Harkon's robes and a bunch of enchanted stuff.

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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 12:36 pm

Seems like a good, interesting build, however, isnt sneak/archery combo VERY deadly? would i really need destruction on that build? I guess it all comes down to how you actually spend your perk points in the trees..

Ive been given a heap of advice and ideas :) Which is awesome cause well, my mind is fairly blank at the moment :)

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Post » Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:49 am

The issue with too many offensive skills is that if you try to keep them equal they will all contribute to your overall level but each respective skill will be relatively low. For example, you will be level 30 with destruction at 80-90 or so if you only use destruction for DPS, but if you split it up you may be level 30 with your destruction and 1H being in the 50-60 range, which will make you less deadly. That is part of the reason I prefer spellswords to have one offensive skill and the rest be support skills. And as I mentioned having two 'kill stuff' skills is a bit dry when hotkey cycling but if you like the combo Dark Elf 1h+destructions makes sense in an RP.

Personally, I like this build:







No armor skills. You rely on your conjured creature to tank damage while you fire from range. You use your speed and fall back on dancing around blows while trying to hit with 1h. Alternatively, you can sneak kill with daggers.

This is def more of a mage assassin build tho :P

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