lol i love the sound, its rare to hear for me because with my current character i got 10 intelligence and idiot savant so its very rare to hear, but it makes me very happy because of that XP, something that confuses me is sometimes the noise is a laugh and sometimes its a noise i cant describe, it has startled me before though
does your chance level affect how much this triggers at all? i think only intelligence does
A bunch of people say this, but it never does for me. I just think "yes! Idiot Savant triggered!"
did this in the dark with headphones on. scares you every time.
it's like a fallout clown is coming for ya.
There will be a mod to make those noises silent. Already there is a mod that quiets the "Cha-ching" noise when earning XP and also i believe there is a mod that removes the sounds when you discover a new location or completed a quest i believe.
Agreed, i mostly smirk and then watch the experience bar explode, love it.
i didnt do any side quest stuff apart from find a few locations and i was level 5 before i met the minutemen because of that perk, i have had times when it did not trigger for hours, and then times when it triggered 2 times in a row, it rains xp after it triggers after you hand in a quest
I love it when I turn in a 400 XP quest and have it turn into a 2000 XP quest. It's a great feeling, just sitting there watching that bar keep filling.
is idiot servant worth getting when you have 10 intelligence? i got it and its very rare but i still think its worth it
Pretty much explained at the Wikia how high the proc chance is compared to intelligence.
thank you i was just wondering i have level 10 intelligence and level 5 luck with idiot servant, i dont like the idea of doing this but i was wondering if it was worth getting the luck bobblehead if it would actually help my idiot servant or make no difference but its answered in the link with this
The LUCK stat has NO (or negligible) effect on Idiot Savant proc rate. Tested 1 INT/5 LUK vs 1 INT/10 LUK, 300 trials/ea.
The sound is moddable for PC players, perhaps it will be for console too.
Exactly! My real life fight or flight kicks in. I hope they never implement something like this as part of the enemy mechanic. I don't think I could take it!
LOL! Hope I don't start having night mares!