Depends on the person in questions point of view.
Didn't really think of it in that way actually, but now that you say that I can see how some would have that mindset. Perhaps just because of the life she's had and her experiences I'm more likely to respond with ruffled feathers first.
It's a good point, it just didn't feel that way to me when I first heard it, but I can see your point at least.
Personally I think it refers to those dubbed a "idiot savant" to having phenomenal ability in an narrow area of expertise. Thus the occasional exp bonus. Also the game tracks the triggering effect as "Brilliant Ideas".
Still haven't figured out how to get the quote part to work right, so I apologize to everyone reading my replies as I try to respond properly lol.
HeroofKvatch99 - Don't worry, you didn't offend -edit After re-reading from the beginning, I believe this is actually supposed to be directed toward greg y, sorry man, got mixed up, but no, I wasn't offended don't worry.
On the most part, I'm not really an 'offended' type. I do have a few touchy spots though, and treatment of the disabled by society is one of them. I don't like going around bashing on an 'I'm offended!" drum, but sometimes... something just happens and you HAVE to respond. This is one of those times.
So stay strong my friend!
SaroSR: Actually, a typical "Proffended" (pro offended) type, would have been lashing out, in the news, calling for the game to be banned, people to lose their jobs, and jail time for the insensitive.
Did I ask for any of this? At all? Did I denounce Bethesda as a whole and condemn them? No.
I said this is a painful issue, I don't like, to me personally yes it is offensive in the extreme, but I do NOT think they did it intentionally. If you took the time to actually read, you'd've been able to pick up on that.
What did I ask for? A simple way for ME (or those of the same opinion as me) to have a way to change this about their game, WITHOUT it having to impact everyone else and THEIR game experience.
Kind of the exact opposite of what the professionally offended would be calling for, don't you think?
Unfortunately there are two topics in this thread that I know a little about. C.P. and suicide.
There is a far deeper problem than callous people or a game making a sound effect causing her to be suicidal. You need to seek out real professional help for her mental state, not vent to a game developer. I say that with the utmost concern for her.
And while it's completely understandable that she has these feelings given her situation, I just don't see why Bethesda should be made to feel like they have to change their game over this.
I'm far more offended by the suicide bombers to be quite honest with you. Far more offended. The first time I encountered one in the game I actually said out loud, "You have got to be ****king kidding me?".
Super Mutant Suicide Bombers in Boston and nobody says a word but you're, "... vibrating, angry, sad, hurt ..." over a giggle? Have you seen the news this week, or even this weekend? Dozens just on Saturday alone.
I've watched one close friend and several other acquaintances go through this horrible disease to the end and I'm truly sorry about your cousin's situation.
Actually, It sounded like from the OP that the cousin in question was neither playing FO4 nor within earshot of the offending sound effect. OP was offended for her in their place. W-Which makes the whole thing a bit sketchy in perspective.
Think I'm going to call for this topic to be closed now. I found a mod which removes the sound, which eliminates any need for Bethesda to do a damn thing about it.
To Shane: Please read again, where we have her under 24 hour PROFESSIONAL observation, so yes, we are very aware and attentive to her condition.
To Crate: I sincerely hope you never have a loved one impacted in such a way, it must be a truly blessed life you lead to not have to deal with the casual cruelty of society directed at those with no defense, SAVE THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS.
My problem was solved, my thanks again to those that pointed me in the direction to that solution.
-edit went back to my op and found.. wow, imagine this:
1. I do NOT want an entire sweeping change to everyone ELSE's game
2. I WOULD like an optional file/patch/whatever people who CHOOSE to, could use to remove this from their game.
It's a direct quote, from the original post. I mean, c'mon, I can't be much more clear than that.
Heh, as a matter of fact I've had friends and relatives who are no longer with us due to such complications. I simply do not try to appropriate their hardships for the sake of my own feelings. I hope you can understand.
I saw what you said the first time I read your post and I stand by what I said.
Glad you got it resolved.
Nothing on the suicide bombers? Interesting.
Well, take care.
To Crate: Your trollfu is strong, but obvious. So I will just call BS and ask that you provide names, illness/complication, proof of death, before I believe you.
To Shane: I'll ask you to read again, slower this time, to make sure you're not missing anything (I'm not being snide, I'm just saying if you're skimming maybe you're missing something? because I can't understand your response at first unless I credit it with a didn't read it all... didn't understand it all?.. I dunno man, I'm just confused by 10% of you, the rest I can follow.) I can understand your point, personally it has no bearing on me. Do I see how it can be in poor taste to some? Absolutely. Does it impact me at all? No. Does this mean I'm insensitive to those that have lost their lives to such tactics? No. War is hell, it's a time-honored (and time only) tactic used by the desperate, the cowardly, or the inept. Suicide missions/attacks have been employed since humans first started waging war of any scale on each other (admittedly hard to find proof of caveman style suicide attacks, but still..)
The thing that actually bothers me the most about the suicide mutants is.... they're sterile as a species. It's a byproduct of the FEV mutation, hence why they have to capture humans and put them through FEV to replenish ranks.
Seeing as how you have no natural way to reproduce, I would think I would save suicide attacks for when there really was no option left and extinction of the species was inevitable. Just seems spendthrift to me.
before reading I thought you were like me and nearly jumped out of your skin every time that noise plays. seriously why so loud Bethesda matter of fact why any noise at all?
Akaryu: Hit the nexus mods and just type 'savant' in search, once they told me there was a mod for this that's all I had to type to find 11 different ones. Ranging from sound replacers to other sounds, to just straight removal of the sound etc.
So it is solvable. I went with the one that just plays the rimshot part of it and removes the 'laugh' portion. Seems to be a pretty seamless transition and isn't quite so startling (imo) so you're not alone in your feeling either lol
Tyler: I'm a reactionist >.< not the best trait to have but I'm just the type that doesn't walk away, i'll sit here and slug it out to the point of ridicule just because a morbid part of me wants to see how far the other person will go eventually. But yeah... not a good thing but is what it is.
It's sad, I'm sitting here and see crate's name at the bottom so I know he's bound to respond soon and all I can do is try and see how many predictive paths he's going to take.
To circumvent 1 of them, IF you really have lost loved ones to suicide and disease, my sympathies and condolences for your loss.
My question to this is: How would THEY feel if they could've read your post?
Certainly the most predictable response. You don't think its disrespectful at all to make light of the passing in other people's families? I most certainly won't humiliate my friends' families for your petty social justice spew. But I can say this about my aunt, rest her soul, she grew up with down syndrome so she was more of a sibling to the rest of us kids. She might have been dependent on grams to get by, but she tried to be every bit independent as anyone else. She made could make her own friends and pursuit her own hobbies. She was her own person, she can stand up for herself. She didn't need other people putting words in her mouth and speaking for her, she hated that, especially when the time came she was forced to be institutionalized in a home. And I hope you can see that your cousin doesn't need you deciding what hurts her, she's a human being capable of making her own decisions, own opinions.
You started this thread on how "vibrating, angry, sad, hurt" you are. If your afflicted cousin is really the one deeply hurt by this game (if she can even play it) she can be encourage to say it with her own voice. Instead of you using her hardships to make it about you.
Ahh Crate: Predictable, just like I said. Your appalling lack of simple reading comprehension is staggering. Your entire post is unnecessary, based on your inability to read properly, and again, masterful Trollfu.
For your Aunt, my deepest sympathies.
WHY you are wrong:
1. I said I was offended. Not her
2. I never spoke FOR her, nor did I represent this in a way propping her up as the 'offended' party, I used her as the example as to WHY this hit so close to home :edit, should read 'hit so close to home for ME' end edit: and was hurtful. As far as I know she's unaware the Fallout games even exist, however, that is not the point. (you seem to be challenged on identifying and understanding the clearly stated issue in the original post anyway so i'll just leave this dead horse alone from now on)
3. I said I was hurt, because I was. I was angry, because I was. Why? Because every time that laugh goes off I can vividly picture the legion examples of people using that exact same laugh, in a very mocking manner, intended to harm her. So much so that now whenever she hears someone laugh in a similar manner, she gets all panicky and looks around to make sure people aren't pointing and laughing at her, yet again. So yes, I do know EXACTLY how she would respond to hearing it.
4. I have every right to be offended by something I find offensive. Whether you agree with it or not is beside the point, the emotion itself is self-validating. It happened, I felt it, therefore, it existed.
5. The community (not you) was VERY helpful in steering me toward mods to remove this, because wow, guess what? OTHER PEOPLE FELT THE SAME WAY, unfortunately I am not a gifted modder and could not make one myself, however I did get a wonderful one from nexus (thanks again for pointing that out earlier guys)
I then clearly stated how now that I have the solution I was looking for, without impacting anyone else's game, or calling for an enforced removal of it from the game (you know being respectful and understanding how others may not feel the same way I do about the situation, which hey they're entitled to feel that way TOO!)
Now it's down to you being all butthurt about the fact that you're publicly being an ass (don't worry trolls, I know I am too, I just own up to it) and as far as social justice spew goes? What outcry did I give for sweeping social justice and change? Whose feet did I call to be put to the fire? What new legislation am I demanding? That's right, none.
All I asked for was for a way for people that WERE offended by it, to ELECTIVELY remove it from their game. One has been provided. Issue is dead, gone, done, finito, solved, resolved, concluded, ended. Is that comprehensive enough for you?
Anything more at this point, is purely you being a troll.
*mic drop*
sorry, had to, lmao
Tezmac, +1 Trollfu-meh, typical, not even a lot of effort put into it
*edit* Tezmac now at +5 why?
But honest, I can respect that lol