Idiot Savant

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:09 pm

Im waiting for some someone else to make a thread about the doctor in the game killing himself.

Hur dur ermagerd the doctor killed himself, now im angry and vibrating because my goldfish killed itself when it jumped out my toilet bowl 18 years ago.

People like you [censored] the progress of bethesda games because they start to become worried about offending cry babies like yourself.

"Never go full [censored]" - Kirk lazarus
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:57 pm

Well he did actually, and he is making it everyone else's problem by posting it on a public forum, you only need a small group of people to make this difficult for bethesda by going to media outlets screaming bethesda is purposely being insensitive to the mentally and physically disabled heres proof.

There are plenty of unintelligent americans on social media sites that jump on that train and start making crap like this go viral, bethesda is worse than hitler and so on. Soon todd and pete will be on oprah trying to defend themselves.

Ya feel me.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:15 am

Hey nibbles? Could you please provide a concrete example? I'm truly curious as to where you're getting this from.

As to why I put it here on the forums... within minutes, someone told me where to find the mod to fix my problem. Is this not an excellent use of the forums? To post a question and ask for help resolving it?

Also, I didn't feel like waiting for a reply after waiting the weekend, I figured I might get lucky coming here, posting the email (so as to be succinct and clear about the problem, why it is a problem (for ME), and is there a solution that can be found?) so everyone would know where I was coming from.

So how's about you pull your prejudiced scales off your eyes, re-read the original post, and try formulating a mature response, preferably one with thought behind it. Just sayin brah

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:02 pm

Thirty six year old people dont say brah.
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:04 am

But I thought I was an ignorant American that couldn't know any better?

And the statement had the intended effect. Would you like a cat treat now for being a good animal?

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:07 am

Oh for crying out loud.

What is it with the newer generations and taking everything so freaking personally?

How do you even get to idiot savant from cerebral palsy?

Just.. For crying out loud.

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:03 pm

You truly are pathetic.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:31 pm

It's kinda funny the first few times you hear it, but after that it's incredibly annoying. They should have make it play only if it procs on quests.

Regarding the issue of OP - it's really his problem. The perk clearly says that it's for "special", low intelligence types. There are people like that and they do laugh like that so why pretend that they don't? I originally thought that the perk was Bethesda being PC showing off that you can successfully play as mentally challenged individual in their game.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:00 am

Merari, have you HEARD the sound it makes?

If yes, please continue

If no, please go listen to it, then continue

In summary, I have repeatedly said I DO NOT EFFING BELIEVE this was INTENTIONAL or MEANT TO BE OFFENSIVE to anyone, however due to MY UNIQUE circumstances, it hits close to home, and IS offensive. To ME, and ME ALONE.

I wanted a way to remove it from MY GAME without impacting ANYONE ELSE, since I didn't know how to accomplish that personally on my own ( I am not a modder) I came here asking for help, the reason why the help was needed.

I received the help I asked for (yay forums!) without it having to be some big drama fest YOU ALL seem to be so interested in (and don't get me wrong, I will gladly keep stirring the pot to see what you come up with next, because honestly this IS a great source of amusemant for me, on any forum, I ever go to) Why? Because I can't help but laugh over people's simple inability to read, completely, in total (as in all of it) before running off their mouths.

And... I'm still stuck being up for a few more hours and really, what else am I going to do at 4:17 in the morning if I can't play the game atm because I'm still at work?

ANnnnnnd to cut you off before you even go there, being on these forums does not violate my company's internet usage policies, and as long as I answer the phone promptly when idiots call in because, you guessed it, they can't be bothered to read first.....

You can see why I find this theraqeutic and funny.

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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:01 am

It seems being offended is the american national sport. Let me try as well... Hmm, i know - characters in F4 may lose an arm or a leg after being hit and it offends me deeply because losing a limb is a serious issue in real life and Fallout does it for entertainment which is disrespectful. I demand an official apology from Bethesda and 1 million $ to cure my bleeding heart!

Seriously though this type of whining has to stop, F4 is already the most castrated and mild in the franchise, its trying so hard not to offend anyone but apparently not hard enough for some.

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:30 pm

Lord Lucan: You're right, it is MY problem. Like I specifically stated, by myself, all on my own, in the original post. However, if you continued to read, you would've quickly realized how that distinctive laugh you're talking about? Yeah.. that is and has been, THE BIGGEST source of torment for Bailey her entire life, she is extremely sensitive to it and that is the number one thing we have always had to work with her on, so you can see how the laugh part, is the specific part that is causing the problem for me, since in MY life, and in MY experience it has been nothing but a source of torment and trauma for a family member I love very much. So yes, I take that on myself as well to say, hey I don't want this in MY game, can I remove it from MY game only please? Is there a way to do so?

YES!!! The answer is yes! And forever my thanks go out to those that pointed me to the mods to do so. (the whole effing point of the exercise in the first place)

Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely loving how the call has gone out for more trolls to hop in (ya'll have such delicate wounded egos) so I'm interested to see who knows how to read, and comprehend what they read, and who doesn't.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:15 pm

At least you understand me
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:31 am

Iskaroth, welcome to the ranks of those that cannot understand the written word. Please re-read the post and see again, how I clearly state, how it's offensive to me, I would like a way to remove it from MY game, without it having to effect ANYONE else.

The EXACT opposite of what the professionally offended call for. THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

Let me explain that for you. Cold is the opposite of hot. Up is the opposite of down. Wet is the opposite of dry. Dead is the opposite of alive.

Do we understand yet? Now go back, read the original post, read YOUR post, and hopefully (and seriously crossed fingers here) that lil flicker of understanding will dawn, and you will realize... it wasn't necessary, and shows a lack of your ability to comprehend.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:38 am

OK, let me play Devil's Advocate for the others.

See, we've had a major influx of threads from various members lately stating that Fallout 4 was offensive because it wasn't inclusive enough, it wasn't PC enough so when some saw this thread, they were thinking, "Sweet Christ yet another one!?" and rolled with it. Some are probably so sick and tired of it that they don't see this as anything other than "But whaaaz bethesda hates people with cerebral palsy!!!11"

A careful examination of your post does reveal that you were only just asking how to remove the noise from your game, that you weren't trying to make Bethesda force this on everyone.

Is America the land of overly-sensitive people? You betcha we are. And our country is so stuffed up in this that to the rest, ironically, are so fed up with it that it's difficult at times to distinguish a PC complaint versus an actual complaint. Some, like me, do realize the actual intent with close examination. Others? Not so much. Hilariously enough, they're so sensitive to this that they lump in any complaint with the "overly-sensitive PC crowd that wants to force their will on everyone else."

And to be very fair, your post did come off as another one of those "I'm offended!" types. Perhaps if you had worded it as something like, "Hey, I'm really bothered by the 'herp-derp' laugh of the Idiot Savant perk, is there a mod I can use to remove it from my game?" then maybe most would realize what you were really trying to say.

Again, I know what you were really trying to say, I was just showing you what they might be seeing regardless of whether or not they're being willfully ignorant about it.
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:44 pm

This topic has got completely de-railed and descended into an argument since I went off last night.

When I first saw the Idiot Savant perk (I'm the autism guy from post 3) I was very excited. Bethesda had done something I have spent my professional career pushing for, which is to bring consideration to those who are not average. Not only that but it was very flattering to find they had done the perk so well and with such a compliment of intensified bouts of intellect which is often the case for the people who fall on the spectrum.

Cut to first time trying to perk. I proc and up comes this laugh that is just a ridiculous portrayal of a group of people, it's offensive because it's a generalisation of the savants. Very few of them have this kind of laugh with probably their most popular (rain man) having it. It falls on the line with having a perk where a guy playing a banjo is kissing his sister in a confederacy hat.

I'm not the OP, I didn't want to complain as it's a design choice. I'm also from the UK, not part of any offense or complaint culture. I saw this thread and shared my true feelings on a subject matter.

If you get it, then you get it. If you don't then it's not something you have an emotional response to and let us; that have, give our opinions.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:54 am

You've summed it up quite nicely, I think.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:04 am

That's a good point Hero, but I felt it was important to convey the emotional element (and in all honesty I wrote that seconds after quitting the game in disgust and still suffering from the emotion of it)

It probably would have been better to wait a bit, THEN try and write something, so yes, I CAN see how those (that don't read, understand what they read, or take the time to read it fully) would respond as they predictably are.

That's actually the reason why I put points 1 and 2 at the bottom of the post (under the email portion) because I was already starting to distance myself from the initial reaction, but... once you put it out there... if you backtrack....

You think this is getting flamed now? HA, imagine if I'd backtracked.

This is also an excellent learning example for others. Stick to it, I said it, I meant it, that is what I was feeling as I wrote it. Now (and probably due to the fact that now I have a mod that accomplishes my goal) that I'm not still emotionally charged over the issue, I can just sit here and parse paragraphs with the trolls. (1h 57m to go ppl, get your posts in now!)

However, good point, and I agree, 99 times out of 100 I'm on their side of the fence "holy snapping duck droppings really? Berkley is offended that Yoga is stealing India's national identity??) that kinda crap just makes me wanna bang my head into a wall until it stops, or I hemorrhage to death first.

Then there comes that time, when something truly does just punch you in the gut, squeeze your heart, and fills you with a need for action.

This is that time for me. This is my first ever, ever, "offended" post/stance I've ever taken on a public forum. Ever.

So.... you can see why I'm having fun poking at them over this.

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jess hughes
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:00 pm

On a completely different note, I've tried everything, I hit the quote button and my chat buffer is still blank, never shows what I'm trying to quote or who, what's the trick yo? I tried hitting the quote icon in this buffer too, and that gives me the lil quote box sure, but it doesn't include anything anyone said, cut n paste doesn't work

I dunno... smart enough to graduate college, too stupid to Bethesda Forum (I do not have this problem on other forums)

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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:33 am

Oh yeah, sometimes you just have to stand up and make your voice heard. I know I'd probably flinch if I heard a cancer joke because I lost someone to that horrible illness. Before that, it wouldn't have bothered me at all. Afterward? Not so much. While I wouldn't have the right to force my opinions on others, I would have the right to be upset. I think that's what some folks here are forgetting: you have the right to be offended.

EDIT: Trust me, I could give you a 20-paged research paper on the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, but God help me if I try to tangle with technology. xD
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:50 am

It's to do with IE Confector. Try using Chrome or Firefox, for a multitude of reasons they're better than IE.

But, again, I request this remains on topic. Every post that is made not on the topic post is de-valuing the thread and thus its impact. as the Original Poster I'm sure you undertsand, it's easy to make a new thread :).

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:57 pm

Ahhh... gotcha General, thanks much. Not allowed to use other browsers at work so probably wouldn't have had this problem at home.

So, back on topic.

Hero, again, thank you. This is the whole point. If I'd started it with just "can anyone help me remove the idiot savant perk sound pls" I then have to spend time justifying why I'm even asking for it, trying to pre-empt that was the point.

Basically it's like this, imagine walking into a restaurant as a Lil Ender (as in you believe the eggs should be cracked open from the lil end first) you sit down, your food arrives, and you're about to dig in when some Big Enders plop down next to you, and they start laughing and carrying on about how you're a Lil Ender. So you ask the manager, quietly, politely, if you could be seated somewhere else please, yes I realize it's my problem and I need to find a way to adjust, I'm just asking for some help with that please, no need to bother the Big Enders, they can enjoy their eggs however they want, I'd just prefer to have mine this way, and not that way.

Does that seem outrageously over sensitive to you? Is that calling for all Big Enders to be removed from the restaurant so I can eat in peace? No, it's not. it's none of those things. It was simply a "hey, dunno if you know this or not, but this can really be offensive (case in point, it's causing me to go through a lot of emotional discomfort right now, see email portion for example) and I'd really prefer not to have to go through that if I don't have to please, can I have a way of avoiding this? I would really prefer to accomplish this without it having to effect anyone else or their experience, this is purely for me and my issues with it.

But, it's the internet. Intelligent discourse is not allowed, we will not let things like logic and reason influence us, for we are Troll..

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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:38 am

It is a perk. It is a positive ability.
I have outmost respect for idiot savants because they excell at a specific task (music, math, art...) and they excell to such degree an average person can't even imagine.

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Avril Louise
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:18 am

Jabuk, that's fine, I have the utmost respect for them too, which is precisely why this was bugging the crap out of me, it has been resolved, hurray for modders and their mods.

Dead horse people, dead horse.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:36 am

Hasn't been resolved on consoles.
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:49 pm

"Is America the land of overly-sensitive people? You betcha we are. "


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