Wow, ok, so now I have another rant to start with.. Why can I not copy and paste from notepad into this editor? That's just... bleh. anyway.. so now I have to RETYPE this whole thing out for you.
Dear Sir or Madame,
First, I would like to congratulate you all on another wonderful Fallout release. Already 243 hours in and still loving every minute of it. Well.... I was that is. Which brings me to my problem.
Idiot Savant. Traditionally I have always loved doing a low intelligence playthrough at least once (especially Fallout2 which I know wasn't Bethesda, but you guys have carried the tradition well, they CAN be hilariously fun playthroughs.)
I was running out of Perks to pick and ended up getting Idiot Savant just to make the blinking "You've leveled up, pick a perk!" message go away. Shortly after picking the perk while crafting I got my very first proc, and instantly this franchise I have enjoyed since I was 15 years old (now 36), hurts and infuriates me.
My cousin was born with Cerebral Palsy, and is severely impacted in her life because of this horrible condition. She is the sweetest, kindest, most loving human being I know. Yet she KNOWS she is different and she hates it. She has been teased by callous people her whole life, and she tries her best to not exhibit too much of her condition, but if she gets excited... it's all over.
I'm now sitting here, vibrating, angry, sad, hurt and just...
do you not know it's WRONG? That perk could've served it's function perfectly without that particular style of audio indicator. Yes, I know the console commands and I've removed the perk, but now every time I sit down to try and play I just can't. All I can do is think of my cousin and how even unknown to you, you're making fun of her and a condition she had no control over.
Can you please offer SOME kind of alternative, just a simple patch to remove the audio files (should someone choose to) for when the perk procs. I don't know exactly how or what the solution would be, but I sincerely beg of you, please, change this now.
Deeply Saddened,
Ok, so that's the email I sent to Bethesda, still awaiting a reply. But to be clear, here are my intentions:
1. I do NOT want an entire sweeping change to everyone ELSE's game
2. I WOULD like an optional file/patch/whatever people who CHOOSE to, could use to remove this from their game.