It always astounds me the amount of people that don't know a dam thing about something they own. They just expect everything to be so dummy proof that all they have to do is hit enter to accomplish anything.
People still have no idea how vote kick works, and the amount of people I see in a game with a super high ping tells me they have no idea how online gaming or just the internet/client/server system works. Its your pc people that means its your responsibility to learn how the internet (tcp/ip) and your software works. I mean really is it that much to ask that you take a few minutes to learn software and commands that you own? I guess the bigger part of pc owners expect to be spoon fed. I bet the people I am talking about are the same ones that get tons of viruses and spyware too from falling for simple email phishing scams.
The level of pc/internet stupidity never stops astounding me. I don't claim to be an expert myself although I am in computer science classes right now but still, does no one take the time to learn how their own systems work anymore? This written mostly due to the fact that high pingers still joining servers with no idea how it affects game play for themselves or others and not knowing the vote kick system by now. Just ignorance.