Idiots and their pc....

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:51 pm

Ok is it just me or is it surprising high rate of people that can barely insert game disc and hit next to load the game onto their pc's? Other than that they have no idea how their pc works do they. A bigger percentage of players should know how the vote kick system works by now, let alone explaining to pc owners what the tilde key is or what console commands are.

It always astounds me the amount of people that don't know a dam thing about something they own. They just expect everything to be so dummy proof that all they have to do is hit enter to accomplish anything.
People still have no idea how vote kick works, and the amount of people I see in a game with a super high ping tells me they have no idea how online gaming or just the internet/client/server system works. Its your pc people that means its your responsibility to learn how the internet (tcp/ip) and your software works. I mean really is it that much to ask that you take a few minutes to learn software and commands that you own? I guess the bigger part of pc owners expect to be spoon fed. I bet the people I am talking about are the same ones that get tons of viruses and spyware too from falling for simple email phishing scams.

The level of pc/internet stupidity never stops astounding me. I don't claim to be an expert myself although I am in computer science classes right now but still, does no one take the time to learn how their own systems work anymore? This written mostly due to the fact that high pingers still joining servers with no idea how it affects game play for themselves or others and not knowing the vote kick system by now. Just ignorance.
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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:46 am

There are three groups of people:
1. Those who read forum, know how to use vote-kick system, and they care = use V/K system.
2. Those who read forum, know how to use vote-kick system, and they don't care at all.
3. Those who buy game, never read game forum, and generally have everything in bottom hole.

It' s not like people are stupid, they just don't care in most cases. Ofc. there is small % of people who fail at PC's and know only how to run game, browse porm, etc. and "tilde" is for them like monster from Loch Ness, there are rumors about this key, but no one really seen it :X
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:54 am

Well, you'd be surprised on how some people think of technology.

Genius has it's limitations. Ignorance has none.

All you can really do in this case is do your best to inform others and hopefully, *slowly* turn the tide I guess.

So as previously noted in the patch details, the 1.4 patch includes a vote kick function however there seems to be a bit of confusion as to what this entails exactly. The vote kicking function operates via console commands. It's not a HUD/GUI type setup.

How to initiate a kick:
? Open your console with (~) or (`) key by default.
? Type in votekick playername (where playername is the name of the player you wish to kick) and press enter.
? You can also hit TAB to complete a sentence, so type the first few letters of the players name then hit TAB.
? A message will appear on screen: "Vote to kick playername initiated"

How to vote:
? Open your console with (~) or (`) key by default.
? Type in vote and press enter.
? You don't need to use vote yes or vote 1.
? In order to vote no, simply don't vote at all.

? Required Votes for successful kick - 51%
? Default timeout for kicked user is 10 minutes. You will not be able to rejoin the same server in that time.
? 3 minute cooldown before user can call another vote if unsuccessful.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:44 pm

I hear that!
Although I would argue that it is a small percentage of people, my guess is that at least 25% of pc owners have no idea what happens when they turn on the internet. My girlfriend would be in this group of people but thats ok because she has me here the pc security and maintenance is my job. She never understood why there has been so much money dumped into this thing. Then one day at her mothers house she hops on her pc, looks up at her mom and goes "wow this thing takes forever, my pc IS fast" I just looked at her and said "Your Welcome" lol.
She tries to understand but its not her thing. One day I asked her to point to the ram, she couldnt do it. My girlfriend is not stupid by any means, she is good at what she does for a living, but she uses the internet every day to pay bills, online banking etc.., this I think is a dangerous activity if you don't understand the very basics of what is going on during these activities.

Just like you familiarize your selfs with your cars, the pc should be no different.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:05 am

Earlier this evening i used votekick option to TRY to kick someone who i think was cheating.So i voted and those dumbasses asked why does the admin wants to kick this xy.So i replied that im the one who voted,and that he is cheating.Guess what hapenned,then xy voted to kick me and i was kicked.Can you believe that? Fcking retards.

O Ambush22 online banking is safe if your carefull,although i personally pay bills in post office or at my bank,never online.
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Adam Porter
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:05 am

You buy a game and want to play it and it should work with minimal and I mean minimal difficulty.

Most people want to play, not jack around with their pc to get the damn game to work right.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

Ya they say its just as safe as using your cards any where else, and there are steps to make it pretty safe. I know these steps because I am way into pc's, but my point is I bet the bigger percentage of people don't take the time to even learn the basics of this stuff, hence high pingers and people that not only don't know the vote kick system but most of them also don't know what a tilde key is either.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:57 am

You buy a game and want to play it and it should work with minimal and I mean minimal difficulty.

Most people want to play, not jack around with their pc to get the damn game to work right.

Having difficulty with it due to bad programming is one thing, but I can tell your one of the ones who expects "dummy proof" technology. I bet if you have to play around with software and actually read the instructions to learn how to use it you think its bad software. God forbid you make learning your own responsibility.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:07 am

Well actually, in this scenario Crysis 2 hasn't exactly been very well programmed on release. We've seen a wide assortment of bugs (both simple and complex), many of which are well out of our control even if we had the expertise, given that we haven't access to any of the development resources.

Buying a game and wanting to play with minimal difficulty sure, that I can agree with. Most people don't want to get into the technical aspects of things just because they can be exceedingly complex. If it works and works intuitively well for most, that's good design. That's a far step from "dummy proof" technology (poka-yoke!)

On the brighter side it does seem like Crytek is spending more time on the development tools prior to release, who knows what that'll bring.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:52 pm

You buy a game and want to play it and it should work with minimal and I mean minimal difficulty.

Most people want to play, not jack around with their pc to get the damn game to work right.

Having difficulty with it due to bad programming is one thing, but I can tell your one of the ones who expects "dummy proof" technology. I bet if you have to play around with software and actually read the instructions to learn how to use it you think its bad software. God forbid you make learning your own responsibility.

Well actually I do buy a game guide when I buy a game I plan on playing for a long time. I like to have a reference if I get stuck or don't understand something. However these days with more and more info on the internet that helps too.
As far as technology goes, I know there is nothing really dummy proof. I spent 9 years as an IT Specialist so I like to think I have a solid grasp on how PC's and software work, in general.

In my earlier post I was saying most people, in my opinion, want to spend time playing the game rather than spend the time trying to tweak it or troubleshoot an error. The easier things are for people to use the better the experience. On the other hand there are people that like to tweak their PC's and games to max the performance and so on. I myself fit somewhere in between.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:59 am

K, get your drift, and yes its true, your not a PC gamer if you still don't know how to bring up a command console, or at least know what one means, your just a console derp on a keyboard, and thats what your PC should be, your own build, your "personal computer", not something bought. meaning you should now how the things on it works.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:59 am

You buy a game and want to play it and it should work with minimal and I mean minimal difficulty.

Most people want to play, not jack around with their pc to get the damn game to work right.

Having difficulty with it due to bad programming is one thing, but I can tell your one of the ones who expects "dummy proof" technology. I bet if you have to play around with software and actually read the instructions to learn how to use it you think its bad software. God forbid you make learning your own responsibility.

Part of the job of the developer is to make using the software as painless as possible. I can understand a little bit of fiddling around with the game to make it work, but ultimately I bought the game to PLAY it. That's why I was quite pleased to find out that all I had to do to get Crysis 2 to work the way I wanted was change the resolution to my monitor's native resolution. No one wants to spend 3 hours tweaking to get 1 hour of gameplay.
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Ian White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:19 am

You're biching about people that have lives and don't visit forums? Lol.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:28 am

You're biching about people that have lives and don't visit forums? Lol.

By the sheer amount of your posts,i dont think you can actually know anything of those who really have lives beyond forums.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:15 am

and "tilde" is for them like monster from Loch Ness, there are rumors about this key, but no one really seen it :X

Would just like to add that the tilde key doesn't open console on all keysets.
As an example, in Norwegian we have 3 letters that does not exist in the English alphabet, so on our keyboards, those three are placed to the far right of the letter-part of the keyboard, as a result, other keys like * ' ¨ ^ ~ : ; ` \ ′ ? get moved around, and in most situations this messes up the keybindings in games where those keys are used. To press tilde, I have to hold Right Alt and press a key next to Enter (which also has ^ and ¨ on it), and this does NOT open any console. To open console, I have to press | (that's a vertical line, not a lowercase L), which is placed on a key just above Tab.
(And as an added weirdness/bug here, this also writes | to the console, so I have to backspace once before I can actually type any commands).
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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:09 am

My god man, get a life. It's only a damn video game. I agree with what Hypereye says. Most normal people don't assign such importance to things such as this.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:39 am

K, get your drift, and yes its true, your not a PC gamer if you still don't know how to bring up a command console, or at least know what one means, your just a console derp on a keyboard, and thats what your PC should be, your own build, your "personal computer", not something bought. meaning you should now how the things on it works.

Its interesting when we apply rules and regulations on a topic or description pc gaming stating that a PC should not be bought are you kidding. People can choose to buy or build there PC it doesn't matter that they dont fit in your definition as a PC gamer. If they don't know how to use there device, its called a lack of knowledge and last I checked it was something we all had at some-point in our lives. Who wants to be a PC gamer, listening to this community the definition of PC gamer is a bunch of whining individuals complaining about the development of a game and sitting and hoping that the game reaches its full potential and continue to complain while the game never reaches the PC gamer's expectation. Then we create subjects about idiots and there pc. What about the idiots that have the understanding on how to use a PC they still can't stop the flickering in SLI, or the login issues in multiplayer, or the lack of a DX11 patch and you can nothing about the intelligent cheaters in the game. Instead the pc gamers get kicked off of the game. Try to stop applying rules on something so minimal and stupid to even discuss. Its better wasting breath on Crysis 2 than so called idiots and there pc.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:13 am

How about the guy on here that had tri-SLI 570's and wondered why his frames were stuck at 60 (facepalm), he got so lit up, how do you have tri-sli and don't know about vsync? my mind was truly blown.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:39 am

Quick Question.. What does having a high ping have to do with PC knowledge. My ping floats around 120 and I'd like it to be lower but i'm pretty sure that's only in the hands of my own ISP and has nothing to do with my knowledge of networking. BTW I consider myself somewhat PC knowledgeable.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:08 am

What was missing, mastering the OSI model and TCP / IP to play crysis 2.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:47 am

console derp on a keyboard, .

What the hell is a derp?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:26 am

Another example here is im one of the many who find themselfs plagued by the multiplayer load crash to deskie issue.

The Possible fix so far is to install both the OS and my game dir on the c drive. THe amount of time it would take me to do all of that since id have to repartition one of my two drives so I could make my bigger HD the OS C main would make it a most of a day affair. Should I really have to do that once ive paid for a product? I could see if I bought the game and didnt look at the specs or something of that nature and had to make an upgrade but I missed the part in the specs where they mention I need to install my game on my default drive on my SINGLE HD...However if its a proven fix I will attempt it because I know how too.
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 am

i think pc gaming wouldnt be too bad if it wasnt for the dreaded "mainstream"

if you look at tech nowdays its all about the UI and how dumbed down it is, biggest criminal is apple, if you look at there products its aimed at the mainstream and hipsters who have no idea about file permissions/access, processor cooling etc.... this is so all the tech is out their hands and done for them, even windiws OS is going this way. and so users have the latest tech with little to no effort.

its all about the cash cow and not about knowledge.

and also consoles going mainstream was not good either due to pc's becoming cheaper to buy/build that can run better than consoles for games they are coming over to pc gaming and expect everything to run hassle free.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:16 am

even windiws OS is going this way.

You do realize that the whole point of the window-based GUI in the first place was to "dumb down" computers for the average person to be able to use. If you're really hardcoe, you don't click buttons and open windows; you do everything by command line.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:45 am

You're biching about people that have lives and don't visit forums? Lol.

By the sheer amount of your posts,i dont think you can actually know anything of those who really have lives beyond forums.

*sigh* What exactly do you want me to prove? That I have a life outside this forum? Fine if you want I won't visit this website ever again...Will that make you happy?

In fact why don't I do just that? Listening to people bich about low res textures and hackers is a waste of time. Bye.
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