Translated from the French mod of the same name by
This ESP Patch allows the NPCs to say their Idle Dialogue lines when they don't have anything in particular to do.
Like in Morrowind, idle NPCs will mutter to themselves.
These lines are present in Oblivion's main file and the voice files are present, but the game never calls them. This patch fixes that and works for all language versions of Oblivion.
It provides some funny lines from some NPCs such as :
"All I wanted was a hug." - Wood Elf
"A strong post to sharpen my claws - That's what I need." - Khajiit
"Snow. We need more snow. Can't have enough snow." - Nord
All the credits goes to Shadow She-Wolf. I only translated the readme.
Version 1.3 Update
- Added a condition to the script to prevent sleeping NPCs from saying their idles.
- Added a condition to the script to prevent NPCs from saying their Idles if they're in combat.
- Added a condition to the script to prevent NPCs from saying their Idles right after the player drank their blood as a vampire.
Past Versions:
Version 1.2 Update:
- Fixed a bug introduced in 1.1 that prevented most NPCs from saying their Idles.. (Silly me)
- Added a condition to the script to prevent unconscious NPCs from saying their Idles (Notably Peryite's wroshippers)
Version 1.1 Update:
Added the following conditions in the script to avoid issues, notably one with some NPCs saying idles in the middle of cutscenes:
- IsPlayerControls Disabled : To prevent NPCs to say their idles during cutscenes where the player can't move.
- GetISId: Uriel Septim, Martin, Mankar Camoran and Sheogorath will never say idles. (This is only a safety measure, as they couldn't say them before)
- HasSpell AbGhostNPC (And the Shivering Isles equivalent. To avoid Ghost NPCs to say idles.
- IsTalking: To avoid NPCs to say idles while talking in cinematics where the player can move, when talking to other NPCs and when already saying an Idle.