I think this is an article kind of saying, hey folks look what changes they are making! Don't worry, you won't be so surprised now that you have read this lol.
i hope they are right about leveling, environments and faces. i do want a lot more land than they specified, and i do want combat/acrobatics/magic upgraded
I just hope they're wrong about "Morality Gauge Improvements".
The best morality gauge is no morality gauge. The whole idea of "leveling up your free will" is just absurdly terrible.
exactly what i was thinking. very annoyed that all these mass effect fans (its a decent game by the way) are trying to ask for that gauge to be implemented in TES. There is no morality in BGS games. Only reputation which I'm fine with. Save the good/evil bit for corny games like Fable
I agree with some of what IGN said but other parts of it I just don't agree. I don't think we should completely scrap the enemy level scale system. I want some change to the system but I don't want the game ending up like New Vegas where your all powerful at max level.
exactly what i was thinking. very annoyed that all these mass effect fans (its a decent game by the way) are trying to ask for that gauge to be implemented in TES. There is no morality in BGS games. Only reputation which I'm fine with. Save the good/evil bit for corny games like Fable
I'm a BioWare fan as well as a Bethesda fan, and I don't want Mass Effect Morality in my Elder Scrolls games, if I wanted ME morality in an ES game I would go play a BioWare game like ME , Simple logic haha.
I love bioware aswell, and I don't want a morallity system in TES either :S Just wouldn't feel right honestly.... And really? Riding dragonwhelps? What's with this obsessions of riding dragons? o0
I'm a BioWare fan as well as a Bethesda fan, and I don't want Mass Effect Morality in my Elder Scrolls games, if I wanted ME morality in an ES game I would go play a BioWare game like ME , Simple logic haha.
I agree the only thing I would want is probably more choices in quests like for example with Oblivion you could possibly side with the sirens instead of attacking them. Thats something that I wouldn't mind having in Skyrim.