I don't like the paragraphs about Akatosh and Alduin. I think the lore is pretty clear that Akotash and Alduin are one in the same.
It's the famous theme of duality that Elder Scrolls lore is known for. They are the same god, yet they are two different entities. Two heads of the same coin. It's the same thing as comparing Zeus to Jupiter/Jove.
I would have definitely included Azura and Sheogorath on there somewhere, the two of them seem pretty cool. But this is just the personal list of some guy, and not a "who is the most popular god" contest. But I do appreciate this list because it did teach me a few things that I didn't know. I know next to nothing about the Redguard/Yokudan gods, though the unique, primal, spiritual aspect of them seems very interesting and a welcome change from the rigid Greco-Roman pantheon structure everyone else has. This other guy Phynaster I've never even heard of. You can live longer by simply walking in shorter strides? Really? Do Altmer have a lower base speed than everyone else?

And though the entire Talos-Tiber Septim-Underking-Wolfharth-Zurin Arctus-Numidium situation is convoluted beyond understanding, is Stendaarr actually stated to be a brother of Tiber Septim, or is that just imperial bonus points for making a "related to a god" claim, like how Roman emperors claimed to be the son of Mars, or Jupiter, or what-have-you?