Make that four asserted reasons. No. 1 is inapplicable and is, in my humble opinion, actually a reason Skyrim will eat Dark Souls' face. Also, it doesn't appear to be coming out on PC. =/
WINNER: DARK SOULS - Dark Souls will ship feature-complete, harkening back to the days when buying one product in a box meant a final sale. Skyrim fans can expect to wait months or more for the 'final' feature complete version, aka the 'Ultimate Edition' that will cost less than buying the game at launch and all the DLC/expanded content put together.
I can't stand the way a lot of DLC has been handled. $$$
Dark souls is going to be a great game. So will skryim. I prefer the art design in dark souls. I think elderscrolls has always been too massive to have excellent art design. For example, glass armor in Oblivion.
by the looks of it dark souls will look like a good game, but skyrim will come out on top. theres way more too do, sure dark souls will have online, but its obvious that TES series does not need it, i think i have spent more time on oblivion then any game that DOES have multiplayer. these days multiplayer is just a mainstream thing, and it sometimes gets the focus out of the singeplayer.
thought i just post this... before it turns into the next big flame war :hubbahubba:
Happened about 10 hours ago. Last thread got locked. The comments on the IGN article sum up my feelings. They all pretty are in unison and call out the editor for terrible journalism. And to think that was published by the editor in chief? :facepalm:
IGN would publish articles only intended to generate readership, comments and subscriptions rather than express honest and well-thought content. Anytime DLC makes it into a 'top five' list of anything but [censored] you shouldn't care about you know you can ignore the other four items.
"The world of Skyrim coming in at the same size seems like another way of saying expect more giant stretches of no-man's land, which was a big complaint about Oblivion's map. Granted, you can fast travel once you discover areas, but doesn't that quietly designate a tremendous amount of space as filler from the outset? "
And how many times have Bethesda explained that it's "roughly the same size as Oblivion, but with way more content." >_>
I read that article earlier. I'm sure Dark Souls will be awesome, I won't be getting it for a while since I don't really care for the hard for the sake of being hard games. I will say that the article is pretty much just a flame piece, not really worth anyone's time, Troll articles need to be funny at least.
First of all who ever wrote that is obviously biased towards Dark Souls.
Isn't Dark Souls just the same as DEmon Souls anyways.
1. I dont want multiplayer for my RPG, that ruins the entire experience, so Skyrim takes the cake in terms of that.
2. Based on the Pricing DLC can add expanded content, that otherwise would nto have been in the game regardless. As well they are optional so having DLC is a winner because you can get extra content that you like.
3. I don't knwo if Dark Souls willl actually havve a more epic scope because at thsi poitn ti is opinion.
4. As well we don't knwo what the combat is like in SKyrim so we can't really comment. As well I don't know how challenging Skyrim or Dark Souls will really be.
5. And the Dragons are really opinion. I think the Skyrim ones are epic.
@BretonSorcerer I find Skyrim's art style way better. Sure, in a game with 300+ hours of content you may find something you don't like the design of, but that's to be expected with a massive game.
And to anyone who complains about DLC when the vanilla game provides 300+ hours of content...really?
I don't see why people keep insisting on pitting these two games against each other. They each stand on their own merits and will likely be great games.
I know IGN is doing this to get hits on their site though.
This guy is obviously one of those "hardcoe" gamers who believe a game needs to be hard with online multiplayer, like Dark'n'edgy Souls, to be a decent and fun game. Sure, the game looks great, but I hate these sorts of gamers that just want to svck all the fun from the industry to feed their ego.
The journalist is a biased, ignorant, really devoted fan. Most of his points are false, and he never praises Skyrim for anything. If Dark Souls pwned Skyrim so much, it would be the number 1 anticipated game on IGN, but it's not, Skyrim is.
First of all who ever wrote that is obviously biased towards Dark Souls. Probably because they think it's better. Isn't Dark Souls just the same as DEmon Souls anyways. No. 1. I dont want multiplayer for my RPG, that ruins the entire experience Then don't connect to the internet.
I agree though, the list svcks and exists just to [censored] for attention.
I'm kind of excited for Dark Souls, but I don't have the money for it right now. I think once it's cheap enough I'll have to get a copy with my buddy. I like multiplayer, but I don't want it in TES. TES is simply a radically bodacious single player experience.