Article by IGN once again I think they're more wrong than right my thoughts on it.
- Is it better than Oblivion? Yes very much so
- Is it up to par with other combat mechanics in Fantasy games? Not by a long shot Demon Souls had way better combat and it came out 2 years ago.
Verdict: NOT FIXED (but better)
- Mixed bag here my character doesn't pay attention or turn to face when someone is talking to them even tho it locks my character, faces are better than most games tho I would also like the upper face to move more, but whatever.
Verdict: Good Enough
Voice acting:
- I'm just glad not to hear the same old 7 voices over and over again with ever Female Dark elf sounding like a 90 year old women, but yeah they are right the accents are all over the place why does 1 Nord sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger and his next sound like an old English men?
Verdict: Could Use Some Work (Consistency is important, you just can't hire more people and think it will work out.)
The Skills System: F#@%&*% BROKEN!!!
- I've never seen so many ways to exploit a game, 100% mana reduction on spell schools, using alchemy and enchanting to smith weapons to KO a dragon in one hit on master difficulty this is not fixed far from it.
Verdict: F#@%&*% BROKEN!!!
The Menu Interface:
- I've seen better and would like a way to swop weapon load outs like Demon Souls, but it's ok.
Verdict: It's Pretty Good
- What do you expect them to do IGN teleport you to every quest? You already have fast travel what more do you want? Why don't they just do the quest for you? Finding you way through your locations is part of the game.
Verdict: Fixed and Fixed Again!
Quest Writing:
- Not as many options as say a Bio-Ware game but agreed fixed
Verdict: Fixed
- Agreed once I go through a set of dialog I shouldn't be able to do so again, and I have no Idea why they would give an achievement to get married and than have 2 options of either "make me a sandwich" or "Give me money" Really no thought went into this and seems like it was just on a check list. If you're going to do something do it right.
Verdict: Not Fixed
- Don't fix the bug huh tell that to PS 3 owners with lag so bad it makes it unplayable.
Verdict: Not Fixed (and they better fix it soon)
- NOT FIXED No Way in Hell! I'd rather have a choice between 5 interesting companions than 20 brain dead "Robots". The companions in Fallout NV were a lot better.
Verdict: "Quality Before Quantity" This is actually my biggest complaint of the game. They really should of taken a page out of Bio-Ware's folder and made "Companions with Personality's" NOT FIXED!!!
As old As Horriblivion for melee, improved for missile, and greatly improved for Magic.
Verdict: Good, bring fun.
Animations: Improved but with flaws, NPC and characters still moving in a stick in the ass fashion. Modders already found that there s a programer error that make all characters move as the stronger characters in the creation panel, same apply to NPC. Maybe console lack of space/memory problem.
Verdict: Improved, good but had been better if implemented without flaws
Voice acting Same voices in many ocasions, but there s diferenciation by acent. hard to please all.
Verdict Pretty Good, its hard to make such a feature to appease troyans and greeks.
Skill system Same problem many companies have and this company are having screamingly. Bad implementation, the old to new system was only a way to try to throw smoke around, it could have really substituted the old system but its so flawed its even weaker than the old system, unimaginative, restrictive, incomplete and insuficient to really create distinctive characters. This company really need new or better feature designers.
Verdict A bucket of rockroach dung
Menu interface I suppose its ok for Console, but for PC its immersion breaking, ennerving in insuficiency
Verdict Another bucket of rockroach dung
Pathfinding: For those who have aversion to reading its perfect, spoon feeding, straightforward.... For those who doesn t like to be spoon fed and fast travel its utter crap, because of the lack of options.
Verdict Mixed, no middle term, or heaven or one more bucket of rockroach dung
Quest Writing: See above as it is extremely close, unimersive, unimaginative, even less descriptive than Horriblivion, really the company shows all its laziness and despise for above 12 years old kids customers in this feature.
Verdict Mixed, no middle term, or heaven or one more bucket of rockroach dung
NPCs: A mix... Some are very well done, others are bland and lacklusting.
Verdict On the average.... Good. But really this company is really lazy when it comes to options.
Companions: All have been made bland and uninteresting due to the bad AI, fix the AI so they ll survive more and things will improve.
Verdict Very very poor, they are nothing but cannon fodder, as RD make tem less than impressive. i personnaly avoid them as i find them irritating.
"Overall of the game": "Quality Before Quantity" This is actually my biggest complaint of the game.
A nice and different setting than Oblivion, but the game is still crawling in features and development. It seems the heads dev. are confounding Complexity and Complication.