» Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:37 pm
Elderscrolls is always going to have a lot of bugs that will be fixed over time. I don't think "bugs" should be an option. That's just a given with the kind of games TES are.
Now if you compare Skyrim to fallout, then yeah, Companions got worse. Comparing Skyrim to OB though, they've gotten better, but aren't fixed.
Overall, when comparing Skyrim to the last Elderscrolls game which was Oblivion, I'd say that the only things that have actually gotten worse are the Menu system and dialogue. Skills system is debatable. Everything else has been improved, but can still be better or in other words, still needs fixing or tweaking.
Menu system can be an immersion killer. I also find it harder to look for items in it then I did OB. They need to separate notes from books and clothes from armor for example. I would also like to see my character from there like I could in the past two games.
Dialogue has also gotten worse too. In OB, I at least had the option to view the dialogue if I wanted to.
Don't have a problem with the skills system.
Path-finding and AI path-finding hasn't improved, but hasn't really gotten worse either. Can still be better. I'd also like a 2-D map in which I can completely zoom out and see.
Combat has improved, but of course can still be better. I've got no problems with it though.
Animation has gotten better in some ways and worse in others. In OB, I could have sworn I could zoom out and see my character looking at the person lying dead on the ground. In this game, it's like the head never moves.
Quest writing is about the same as OB and Morrowind. Really, I don't see where peoples problems with this are because they're not being specific. Is it the Main quest, the other questlines, the side quests? What needs fixing exactly? IMO, the Thieves guild should be about stealing items, bribery, intimidating, abducting for ransom..., not just dungeon crawling to find and kill Mercer. The 2nd half of the Thieves guild in Skyrim felt more like a Nightengale questline (because it was). The DB on the other hand was great as always. Haven't done the other quests. Is the MQ an improvement from OB? Really, I'd just like more consistency with the quest writing (That means they need to put just as much passion as they do to the DB to the other questlines), more options or choices, outcomes and for the questlines to be longer. Overall, they still need fixing, but aren't bad and haven't gotten worse.
NPC's and Companions have gotten slightly better, but still needs a lot of fixing.
Voice acting has improved, but can still be much better.
Graphics and art style is improved and great as always.
I forgot about the touch system (whatever you want to call it). That's gotten worse.