I do read reviews, but, I treat them as one persons view.
Reviews do influence me, a bad review can make me want to sample a product
as much as a good one.
Someone has mentioned Bladerunner. When it came out alot of people did not like the
forties detective movie-style narration. I loved it, most of the people I knew loved it as well.
Reviews can depend on the nature of the thing being reviewed.
Once upon a time I worked in a cinema. It's chief projectionist was one of the industry's
most respected practitioners of the craft and he told me this story. He had previously been employed at
a cinema in Derby. The cinema had been purchased by the local authority and because
of funding rules, it was required to show art films. One such was an Andy Warhol creation.
In the cinema there are people who like films and people who like cinemas, as a rule projectionists tend to be the latter.
As all projectionists do when they receive a film print he went through it frame by frame removing
all the frames that were scratched or appeared to be damaged. This resulted in the film having a much shorter runtime.
The film was exhibited to a full house, Andy Warhol being a rare treat in provincial English cinema.
None of the audience noticed the cuts, even the local newspaper's reviewer. He reported that he had seen
the film before but this was first time that he had really understood it.