Ok, I've ignored the Better Music System mod for long enough

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:26 pm

EDIT: I made it quicker than I thought, here a new plugin with fixed (I hope) scripts. Now I don't get errors in the CS anymore. Let's see if something will change for you.


Note1: I didn't test it deeply yet. Something may have been broken but for what I could see so far it works fine (well for me at least).
Note2: Reloading a save where version 1.7.2 were loaded, and equipping the cube I got a CTD. I solved uninstalling and cleaning the save with WM. I think that it didn't like the new changes made to the music menu scripts (or perhaps was just a coicidence, but I don't think).
Note3: The GhostGate fix is already included in this plugin. Uncheck the other one before trying.

Oh, god, that is the absolute worst filesharing site on the planet >.<

Anyway, I'll try it out when I get home.

Try to add this to your startscript:

if ( doonce == 2 )
StopScript One_Script_To_Rule_Them_All
set doonce to 0

Without this he could still find doonce set to 2 when you reload.

Good idea.

*Does just that*

This confirmes that the StreamMusic function has actually something to do with your crashes using my mod. Uhmm..

Well, it just confirms that something in the music script is related to the crashes... if we assume that certain variables didn't get reset as they should be, multiple music scripts could be running and multiple tracks trying to play.

Speaking of which, I've modified my startscript thusly: the first block stops all of the main scripts, the second block resets pretty much every variable I can think of, and the third starts all of the main scripts back up.

I thank you for your offer, but I couldn't. First, I'd not call it a "lite" version, rather a "different" one. As you said you hadn't so many improvements regarding performance (I'm not talking about stability). And I think the reason (sorry if I sound a bit too immodest) is that the mod now is not heavy at all. Second, yours is mainly my mod with preset features, that you cannot change, and with music that will be played in different circumstances. It is only one of the possible configurations. I prefer to keep mine with configurable features. However I'd be glad to see your work when finished.

Yeah, that was sort of what I was getting at/assuming. I'm not sure what your intentions were with some of the things I've been working on (it seems as if you want the Daedric/Dwemer music to start as you approach the ruins, not when you get inside), but I've made a lot of it a hell of a lot more efficient. The stronghold code, in particular, it seems can be hacked down to just a fraction of the size using the "player->getinterior" command as opposed to the check you run to see if the player *isn't* inside. 'Tis a shame I can't pull the same trick for Old Mournhold.

Anyways, I'm still working on it... I actually lost a whole days' worth of work yesterday when I broke something in my edits and had to revert to the last known working one. Still, things are going pretty well, and I thank you again for your help.
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:00 pm

Ah, I have very good news! I've *finally* fixed the problem where music was no longer playing upon a reload. I strongly suspect that it was due to either the skipframe command you used for the town distance checks or the journal command you use to prevent the script from running when the game loads. The latter is unnecessary since my script does more or less the same thing. The former I'm trying to work into the main scripts themselves.

Anyways, here's what my startscript now looks like:

begin One_Script_To_Rule_Them_All	short doonce	if ( doonce == 0 )		stopscript BTB_Main_Buildings		stopscript BTB_Main_Dungeons		stopscript BTB_Main_Overworld		stopscript BTB_Main_Towns		stopscript XN_Check_Battle		set doonce to 1	endif	if ( doonce == 1 )		set btb_building to 0		set btb_dungeon to 0		set btb_overworld to 0		set btb_town to 0		set btb_interior to 0		set btb_exterior to 0		set btb_streaming to 0		set xn_play_battle to 0		set xn_resetall to 1		set doonce to 2	endif	if ( doonce == 2 )		startscript BTB_Main_Buildings		startscript BTB_Main_Dungeons		startscript BTB_Main_Overworld		startscript BTB_Main_Towns		startscript XN_Check_Battle	endif	set doonce to 2	if ( doonce == 2 )		stopscript One_Script_To_Rule_Them_All		set doonce to 0	endifend

Also, there's something quite odd that I'm trying to figure out, although I don't believe it to be problematic. The main overworld music script has three regions: red mountain, solstheim, and everywhere else. The Red Mountain and Solstheim regions have a playlist of four tracks, and the main one has twelve. If I put the main one first in the script, it breaks the other two. If I move it to the bottom, all three work just fine.

Odd, really.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:49 am

Oh, god, that is the absolute worst filesharing site on the planet >.<

o.O why?

Well, it just confirms that something in the music script is related to the crashes... if we assume that certain variables didn't get reset as they should be, multiple music scripts could be running and multiple tracks trying to play.

Yes, let's take it that way, it would be worse if SM caused such problems.

Yeah, that was sort of what I was getting at/assuming. I'm not sure what your intentions were with some of the things I've been working on (it seems as if you want the Daedric/Dwemer music to start as you approach the ruins, not when you get inside), but I've made a lot of it a hell of a lot more efficient. The stronghold code, in particular, it seems can be hacked down to just a fraction of the size using the "player->getinterior" command as opposed to the check you run to see if the player *isn't* inside. 'Tis a shame I can't pull the same trick for Old Mournhold.

I think I had made Daed/dwem music start outside, but then I change my mind. Not sure though, it was at an early stage of the project.
And yeah the getinterior check may be better in your version, but I'm quite sure I had taken other factors in cosideration in mine.

Anyways, I'm still working on it... I actually lost a whole days' worth of work yesterday when I broke something in my edits and had to revert to the last known working one. Still, things are going pretty well, and I thank you again for your help.

No problem at all.

Anyways, here's what my startscript now looks like:


What 's the purpose of that "set doonce to 2" under that startscript block? And had you tried to run that without stopscript lines and see what happens?

Also, there's something quite odd that I'm trying to figure out, although I don't believe it to be problematic. The main overworld music script has three regions: red mountain, solstheim, and everywhere else. The Red Mountain and Solstheim regions have a playlist of four tracks, and the main one has twelve. If I put the main one first in the script, it breaks the other two. If I move it to the bottom, all three work just fine.

Odd, really.

I think this is again an issue regarding the way MW manages scripts. When you find a possible right solution it's better to stick with it!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:38 pm

o.O why?

Any filesharing site with more than three download links on the page that *don't* lead to the download in question should be outlawed, and the people who run it dragged out into the street and shot.

Yes, let's take it that way, it would be worse if SM caused such problems.

Well, whatever it was, it's gone now.

I'm just about done with my edit, by the way. I still haven't made up my mind about a couple of the setlist choices, but the system itself is completely done. It's pretty much a complete rewrite at this point - excepting the battle script, which I did little else to besides trimming down the HP levels and removing all of the now-unused variables (I use 6 where you used about 20-30ish). I renamed quite a few of the variables to be less confusing, though.. I kept getting put off that xn_play meant "play a new track" if set to 0, and the "playing" short also acted in the exact opposite manner that one would expect (assuming that 0=no and 1=yes).

Speaking of the battle script, I think that HP may be a rather poor measure of the strength of an opponent, after looking through all of the listings in the editor. I think level might be a much better way to measure the battle music tiers. Just a thought.

Setting aside the fact that I did remove some functionality, I think the structure of my mod is a light tighter and more efficient - and there's definitely quite a few things I've done that I think you might be interested in. I'm especially happy with the way that the main music scripts turned out, as I had to make them hold off on resetting the RNG until the music was done playing so that the music would end properly regardless of wherever you go while it's playing. This is actually the one thing that my version of the mod does that yours can't, so I can actually claim to have created a new version rather than just a script tidy (not that I could have done it without your original work, of course).

I also found your distance check to be unnecessary, as I was able to achieve the same effect by reversing the distance check to "greater than", adding a check for interiors, and then setting the location reset to "else". The daedra/dwemer markers on the other hand... I can't get those to work right, so I'll probably just manually add checks for each ruin. Frankly, I trust the manual check a lot more than a marker, anyways. A lot of the overworld seems uncovered by your mod, too, since there are a lot of cells that share the names of the interiors they lead to. This actually helped me save a lot of space (and cut a lot of manual references out of your mod), with a quick getinterior check.

Anyway, here's my edited version, if you want to have a look:


What 's the purpose of that "set doonce to 2" under that startscript block? And had you tried to run that without stopscript lines and see what happens?

Er... yeah, that would be a mistake. Check out the startscript in my edited plugin to see what it's actually supposed to look like.

I think this is again an issue regarding the way MW manages scripts. When you find a possible right solution it's better to stick with it!

Well, I haven't ran into the problem since my rewrite of the music scripts last night. I think I've nipped that problem in the bud, which was pretty much the last issue I had. Like I said, aside from some last-minute tweaking tot he setlist... this puppy is done.

As per your request, of course, I won't post it or make it publicly available. I'll only give it out if someone specifically asks for it, which seems fair to me.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:25 am

Any filesharing site with more than three download links on the page that *don't* lead to the download in question should be outlawed, and the people who run it dragged out into the street and shot.

Oh..yes, too many d/l buttons.

Speaking of the battle script, I think that HP may be a rather poor measure of the strength of an opponent, after looking through all of the listings in the editor. I think level might be a much better way to measure the battle music tiers. Just a thought.

Believe me, all the work behind this system is much more than "quickly looking at the editor and then deciding what's the best way to manage that".

I've anolized all the vanilla creatures one by one, determining a "level of strength" for each one, based on all stats, phisycal and magical attacks and abilities. The result was that an HP based system was more truthful than a LV based one. And even though this system was mostly fine-tuned on creatures, I realized it was good for NPCs too. So it's perfect for what I was trying to do.

Anyway, here's my edited version, if you want to have a look:

I will.

As per your request, of course, I won't post it or make it publicly available. I'll only give it out if someone specifically asks for it, which seems fair to me.

Fair enough. ;)
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:44 am

I'll take your word for it about the "HP vs. Level" thing... though I'm not sure how much either of our views will be skewed by my use of Morrowind Advanced and/or whether or not you're using any creature mods (also, as you point out, your system works a lot better when NPCs are taken into consideration). As it stands, I'm still a bit unsure about the HP tier levels I've used on mine... particularly about the inclusion of Cliff Racers in the "weak" category. We'll see.

I've also made one last change to my version since I posted it that includes the new cells from Darknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins and MA's/Vality's Neverhalls/Forgotten Halls mod(s). Granted, I don't use very many dungeon-adding mods, but this change did get me to thinking about compatibility with those that do. I'm trying to think about how I would handle it if this were my mod and I was releasing it myself, and I think what I'd probably do is set up the references to the new cells added by those mods, comment them out, and put instructions in the readme about how to uncomment them if you're using them.

Not sure whether or not you'd be interested in the bits of the soundtrack that I have and you don't (18 tracks), but given that I was already using a good portion of what you had in your download, and I ended up discovering a lot more in yours that I liked, I think our tastes are similar enough that you might be (aside from the fact that you might not want to go to the effort of adding it to your mod if you do end up liking it, which I totally understand). Either way, I'll post a tracklist when I'm done figuring out how I want everything set up, again just for the hell of comparing it with yours.

Oh, yeah, I still need to test that updated version of your plugin, don't I? I'll do that, too, and post the results.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:46 pm

I'll take your word for it about the "HP vs. Level" thing... though I'm not sure how much either of our views will be skewed by my use of Morrowind Advanced and/or whether or not you're using any creature mods (also, as you point out, your system works a lot better when NPCs are taken into consideration). As it stands, I'm still a bit unsure about the HP tier levels I've used on mine... particularly about the inclusion of Cliff Racers in the "weak" category. We'll see.

I have normal and diseased cliff racers in the "weak category", but have raised blighted ones' strenght, and also raised their level to make them appear later. I think they are comprised in the 3rd tier. I found them interesting, I can't immagine MW without them.
I use a lot of creature mods, and I made a few tweaks to make them "more compatible" with my mod. Then, I kept tweaking all of them, and it turned out they are a lot different from the originals now, but this is another story.

Not sure whether or not you'd be interested in the bits of the soundtrack that I have and you don't (18 tracks), but given that I was already using a good portion of what you had in your download, and I ended up discovering a lot more in yours that I liked, I think our tastes are similar enough that you might be (aside from the fact that you might not want to go to the effort of adding it to your mod if you do end up liking it, which I totally understand). Either way, I'll post a tracklist when I'm done figuring out how I want everything set up, again just for the hell of comparing it with yours.

I had a look at your tracklist. I recognized some of the battle themes I excluded at the last moment, like Riders and Magedar Finale Master. And I saw you chose to keep Fields of Tenerron for Clockwork City. Yeah that song seems to be made just for that. Can't say anything about the rest, it was only a look but... Buffy???

Oh, yeah, I still need to test that updated version of your plugin, don't I? I'll do that, too, and post the results.

Waiting for the results then.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:24 am

I have normal and diseased cliff racers in the "weak category", but have raised blighted ones' strenght, and also raised their level to make them appear later. I think they are comprised in the 3rd tier. I found them interesting, I can't immagine MW without them.
I use a lot of creature mods, and I made a few tweaks to make them "more compatible" with my mod. Then, I kept tweaking all of them, and it turned out they are a lot different from the originals now, but this is another story.

That seems to be the process for how most mods are born. A few tweaks turns into a few more, and then a few more... and it's all downhill from there.

I had to make a few more changes to the version of the mod I edited, by the by. I removed your Daedric and Dwemer markers and just made references to each cell specifically. It really pisses me off how the game recognizes partial matches for some cell names, but not others. I do like how it's nice enough to let you know before the game even loads when it doesn't recognize one of your cell references, though, thus saving precious hours of testing time.

I also had to move the "if overworld = 0"/"if town = 0" requirements around at the beginning of the music scripts to inside the other ones (making it only a requirement for the reset_rng variable to be set to 1) so that the rng will still reset even if you are no longer in a town/the overworld, which prevents both from trying to play at once. I actually had it working properly before, except for the fact that traveling from Mournhold to Solstheim would have the town music script steal the "playing" variable and just keep playing its own music. I understand exactly why it did that, but what I *don't* get is why everything else was working properly. Scripts are confusing things.

I had a look at your tracklist. I recognized some of the battle themes I excluded at the last moment, like Riders and Magedar Finale Master. And I saw you chose to keep Fields of Tenerron for Clockwork City. Yeah that song seems to be made just for that. Can't say anything about the rest, it was only a look but... Buffy???

Yeah, I can understand the apprehension. It's not really a name that screams "Morrowind", but it's actually very fitting. I'll post a download when I get home ([censored] holidays means people keep dragging me out of my apartment), along with testing out your update.

Oh, yes, I also added background music for the Fighters Guilds, Mages Guilds, Morag Tong, and the Museum Of Artifacts (that last one is because I had one song left over that I really wanted to use, but couldn't fit in anywhere else). I also added a few shops that you seem to have missed in your version.

I've finalized the tracklist, which includes more changes than I imagined I'd have from the last version. I'm now *completely* done with it, and am quite pleased with it.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:02 pm

I had to make a few more changes to the version of the mod I edited, by the by. I removed your Daedric and Dwemer markers and just made references to each cell specifically.

Definitely going to do that too. I will remove that "ancient residual", for the sake of compatibility too. For example, if a mod adds a cell to Vemynal, maintaining "Vemynal" as first word of the cell name will keep that mod compatible with this. But only if you have at least one cell-check for "Vemynal". I will try to make this true for as many areas as possible.

I also added a few shops that you seem to have missed in your version.

D'oh! Which are those shops you're talking about?
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:51 pm

Ok, tried your new plugin, and it does at least seem stable. However, it still has the problem where music doesn't play on a reload.

Definitely going to do that too. I will remove that "ancient residual", for the sake of compatibility too. For example, if a mod adds a cell to Vemynal, maintaining "Vemynal" as first word of the cell name will keep that mod compatible with this. But only if you have at least one cell-check for "Vemynal". I will try to make this true for as many areas as possible.

It seems that *most* of the ones where partial matches are accepted are the ones where the names mix interior and exterior cells, which is good because it allows for much easier calls of "if interior == 0, then overworld".

D'oh! Which are those shops you're talking about?

	elseif ( GetPCCell "Ald-ruhn, Tuveso Beleth: Smith" == 1 )		set btb_interior to 5	elseif ( GetPCCell "Ald-ruhn, Malpenix Blonia: Trader" == 1 )		set btb_interior to 7	elseif ( GetPCCell "Raven Rock, Bar" == 1 )		set btb_interior to 8

You also didn't add Thirsk, though I suspect that one may have been deliberate. I like how the *exterior* cell is named "Thirsk", and the *interior* cell is named "Solstheim, Thirsk". I swear, I'm going to strangle the devs one of these days.

Anyways, here's my final playlist:


And this is the BTVS soundtrack:


I know the name alone doesn't necessarily make you think of Morrowind music, but I think it fits wonderfully - especially "Chosen". Cursed, Escape, Robot Rampage, War, and What's That Do? are battle tracks; the rest are the ones I use as the main overworld themes.

The only other song I use that you don't is this Oblivion-esque battle theme I found once awhile back:

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jessica robson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:07 pm

Ok, tried your new plugin, and it does at least seem stable. However, it still has the problem where music doesn't play on a reload.

Good, so you can confirm that everything works fine except music not playing when reloading? Have you tried the menu? Sorry to bother, but I have to be sure.

It seems that *most* of the ones where partial matches are accepted are the ones where the names mix interior and exterior cells, which is good because it allows for much easier calls of "if interior == 0, then overworld".

Yeah because they have the name of the exterior cell inside. But interiors cell names like "Assu" and "Assumanu" will create conflict if they have different music and you enter in the latter.

elseif ( GetPCCell "Ald-ruhn, Tuveso Beleth: Smith" == 1 )
set btb_interior to 5
elseif ( GetPCCell "Ald-ruhn, Malpenix Blonia: Trader" == 1 )
set btb_interior to 7
elseif ( GetPCCell "Raven Rock, Bar" == 1 )
set btb_interior to 8

I wonder how I could miss those two in Ald'Ruhn. Thirsk was my decision, yes.

Anyways, here's my final playlist:


And this is the BTVS soundtrack:


I know the name alone doesn't necessarily make you think of Morrowind music, but I think it fits wonderfully - especially "Chosen". Cursed, Escape, Robot Rampage, War, and What's That Do? are battle tracks; the rest are the ones I use as the main overworld themes.

The only other song I use that you don't is this Oblivion-esque battle theme I found once awhile back:


Same tracks as mine for final bosses eh? Yeah they are masterpieces. Not sure about The Power Of All Elements for Red Mountain, but of course tastes can't be completely equal. Didn't listen to the others you added yet, I'll let you know about my opinion.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:18 pm

Good, so you can confirm that everything works fine except music not playing when reloading? Have you tried the menu? Sorry to bother, but I have to be sure.

You mean, have I tried the reset button in the menu?

No, I have not. I'll give that a try here in a few.

Yeah because they have the name of the exterior cell inside. But interiors cell names like "Assu" and "Assumanu" will create conflict if they have different music and you enter in the latter.

Yeah, I should probably go ahead and throw a stop on that one >.>

I wonder how I could miss those two in Ald'Ruhn. Thirsk was my decision, yes.

Well, it's basically an interior cell, so it's just an interior that I treat like a regular Nordic town.

Same tracks as mine for final bosses eh? Yeah they are masterpieces. Not sure about The Power Of All Elements for Red Mountain, but of course tastes can't be completely equal. Didn't listen to the others you added yet, I'll let you know about my opinion.

The final tracks are good, but I had to clean up two of them in an audio editor because they were way too drowned-out. I actually edited a few of the tracks, mostly the ones that loop to make them more looping-friendly. The most notable example is probably Esplorazione, though, as I combined two of the tracks into one.

As for the BTVS soundtrack, the excessive length of many of the tracks (as you'll no doubt notice) was a large contributing factor in my decision to make overworld music carry over into towns and vise-versa, as otherwise there's a lot of tracks you'd never fully hear (the no weak battle music thing really helped on this one, too... though I added a call to your script to activate it when in interior cells so that you'll actually hear the original battle music once in awhile). As for the town music, it gets heard on account of the music resetting every time you enter an interior cell (like a shop, natch) and then leave. It's a good system, I think, since the only abrupt music changes occur when transition from interior to exterior cells (or when traveling/warping... I added a call to reset the music when any of that happens, too).
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:38 am

You mean, have I tried the reset button in the menu?

No, I have not. I'll give that a try here in a few.

I meant "have you tried everything in the menu?" :P

The final tracks are good, but I had to clean up two of them in an audio editor because they were way too drowned-out. I actually edited a few of the tracks, mostly the ones that loop to make them more looping-friendly. The most notable example is probably Esplorazione, though, as I combined two of the tracks into one.

As for the BTVS soundtrack, the excessive length of many of the tracks (as you'll no doubt notice) was a large contributing factor in my decision to make overworld music carry over into towns and vise-versa, as otherwise there's a lot of tracks you'd never fully hear (the no weak battle music thing really helped on this one, too... though I added a call to your script to activate it when in interior cells so that you'll actually hear the original battle music once in awhile). As for the town music, it gets heard on account of the music resetting every time you enter an interior cell (like a shop, natch) and then leave. It's a good system, I think, since the only abrupt music changes occur when transition from interior to exterior cells (or when traveling/warping... I added a call to reset the music when any of that happens, too).

Just listening to the soundtrack. Good tracks, explore ones fit quite well I must admit. I'm not a fan of Buffy, but the music is very good. About Battle tracks, they are good too, but I really can't stand "idle times", if you get what I mean. When there's a great tempo, very exciting, and then suddenly it becomes less intense, or totally calms down, turning into a "light" ambient music. It makes me feel like "hey! I'm still having a great fight with this bas**rd, where's the drums got to??". I even edited a track in my list because it behaved that way.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:29 pm

I meant "have you tried everything in the menu?" :P

Oh. No.

I'll go try.

By the by... a thought occurred to me - is there a part of this script that keeps music from playing over the level-up music? If not, I should probably add something that stops the music is the character sleeps and doesn't start it back up again until the menu is closed.

About Battle tracks, they are good too, but I really can't stand "idle times", if you get what I mean. When there's a great tempo, very exciting, and then suddenly it becomes less intense, or totally calms down, turning into a "light" ambient music. It makes me feel like "hey! I'm still having a great fight with this bas**rd, where's the drums got to??". I even edited a track in my list because it behaved that way.

Those are actually the ones that do that the *least*. I got rid of a few other tracks because they slowed down even more a minute or so in.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:59 pm

Oh. No.

I'll go try.

By the by... a thought occurred to me - is there a part of this script that keeps music from playing over the level-up music? If not, I should probably add something that stops the music is the character sleeps and doesn't start it back up again until the menu is closed.

Never thought about that actually :P
However, it happens the opposite to me, level-up music plays over mine, and I have to restart the latter manually after the level-up menu. BTW yes it would be enough to check when the player rests and then check when the menu is closed. But this way everytime you sleep (you might sleep even when you are not levelling up) music will restart. You should also add a check to see when the player levels up. With GetLevel shouldn't be difficult.

Regardin' my original version, I would like to have a detailed comment as for what works and what doens't. If the only problem now is that music doen't start when reloading I'm at a good point. Did you notice WHERE the music doesn't start? I mean when you load in an exterior, in an interior or both?
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Amber Ably
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:59 pm

Hey, I'm really late to this thread but I wanted to add 2 cents:

1. It would be awesome if the mod could use MWSE's ability to read text files so that the playlists / rules could be edited with Notepad
(Actually I know zilch about MWSE but if it could read and evaluate external script files then that would work.)

2. When I install Better Music System, I don't follow the instructions about renaming the existing Battle and Explore music. Instead, I replace
the existing music with silent mp3's. The reason this is better is that it works much better with Wrye Mash Installers (bain archives), which is
by far the best way to manage mods. Wrye Mash knows how to install and uninstall mod files cleanly ("annealing"); it does not know how to move directories around.

BTW Xiran and BTB, I love your guys' work and use mods from both of you.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:36 am

Looks like my week off from work turned in to yet another week on shift, so a more detailed response will have to wait until the people in my life decide that I can have at least one day to my[censored]ingself >.<

But, here's the basics:

1 - As for your plugin, it seems that the lack of music playing is consistent when I reload, regardless of what cell I'm in, and can only be rectified by doing a reset on your menu (which is effectively what my "One Script To Rule Them All" does every time the game reloads, thus avoiding this problem entirely). I'm pretty sure this is the case, anyway... I can't say that I tested it very thoroughly, but the results do seem to match up with my work.

2 - I'm actually ok with the music resetting every time you sleep as a stylistic choice and not just a limitation of how I've coded the mod, because sleep is one of those few things where I feel a music reset is actually appropriate. Bear in mind that my mod (BTB's Game Improvements) completely disables camping, so you're unable to do anything beyond waiting unless you find a bed, thus rest isn't something you can just do whenever you feel like it anymore.

3 - I finally looked into editing the battle script, and I must say that I've gotten it a hell of a lot more efficient than it was before. After completely restructuring the battle script, the frame loss in battle is now pretty much zero (although I was still getting good framerate before, there was still a noticeable "jerkiness"). I do have one problem left to resolve that appears to be due to the check for interior <-> exterior switching that causes the game to keep crashing when you reload. And by that, i mean when you exit the program and then restart Morrowind. I literally need to reboot my computer to flush my system of whatever crap data Morrowind is storing in the RAM. Yeah, it's that bad. Everything else works great, though.

EDIT: Well, okay, I haven't had a chance to test the bosses or subbosses yet, but I've merged them so seamlessly with the rest of the battle tiers at this point that I don't see why they *wouldn't* work. When I have some time, I'll just set Arrille as a final boss and see what happens when I start some [censored] with him. Because epic final battle music when punching Arrile in the junk is always hilarious.
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Kim Kay
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:42 pm

1. It would be awesome if the mod could use MWSE's ability to read text files so that the playlists / rules could be edited with Notepad
(Actually I know zilch about MWSE but if it could read and evaluate external script files then that would work.)

Hadn't you already made the same questions on PES? And I answered too! :P

However, as I said, I've taken into consideration to do that, we will see.

2. When I install Better Music System, I don't follow the instructions about renaming the existing Battle and Explore music. Instead, I replace
the existing music with silent mp3's. The reason this is better is that it works much better with Wrye Mash Installers (bain archives), which is
by far the best way to manage mods. Wrye Mash knows how to install and uninstall mod files cleanly ("annealing"); it does not know how to move directories around.

The next version, that will be a little update, will have less archives to download, but the installation will have to be done manually. It's useless to keep talking about WM bain, I'm sorry I'm not going to reupload all the archives only for that. So this mod will have to be installed in the old fashion, be it of your liking or not.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:45 am

Looks like my week off from work turned in to yet another week on shift, so a more detailed response will have to wait until the people in my life decide that I can have at least one day to my[censored]ingself >.<

But, here's the basics:

1 - As for your plugin, it seems that the lack of music playing is consistent when I reload, regardless of what cell I'm in, and can only be rectified by doing a reset on your menu (which is effectively what my "One Script To Rule Them All" does every time the game reloads, thus avoiding this problem entirely). I'm pretty sure this is the case, anyway... I can't say that I tested it very thoroughly, but the results do seem to match up with my work.

I wonder why that doen't work for you. However, it seems that it's only a problem about xn_play not reset if you can restart music manually. Too weird. Ok, I will try to use your method and see what happens. Although using the TR StartScript function to start 5 scripts and using only 1 SC to call "manually" the same 5 scripts should be the exact same thing. Could actually be better to stop them and then restart them on loading? I don't think, the problem must be elsewhere.

2 - I'm actually ok with the music resetting every time you sleep as a stylistic choice and not just a limitation of how I've coded the mod, because sleep is one of those few things where I feel a music reset is actually appropriate. Bear in mind that my mod (BTB's Game Improvements) completely disables camping, so you're unable to do anything beyond waiting unless you find a bed, thus rest isn't something you can just do whenever you feel like it anymore.

Yeah I use your mod and it's the feature I like most.

3 - I finally looked into editing the battle script, and I must say that I've gotten it a hell of a lot more efficient than it was before. After completely restructuring the battle script, the frame loss in battle is now pretty much zero (although I was still getting good framerate before, there was still a noticeable "jerkiness"). I do have one problem left to resolve that appears to be due to the check for interior <-> exterior switching that causes the game to keep crashing when you reload. And by that, i mean when you exit the program and then restart Morrowind. I literally need to reboot my computer to flush my system of whatever crap data Morrowind is storing in the RAM. Yeah, it's that bad. Everything else works great, though.

I think you are referring to my check to see when you are changing cell (from interior to exterior and vice-versa) and battle music is playing, to force battle scripts to stop properly (they kept running almost everytime).

EDIT: Well, okay, I haven't had a chance to test the bosses or subbosses yet, but I've merged them so seamlessly with the rest of the battle tiers at this point that I don't see why they *wouldn't* work. When I have some time, I'll just set Arrille as a final boss and see what happens when I start some [censored] with him. Because epic final battle music when punching Arrile in the junk is always hilarious.

Contains spoilers of Final Boss names, where is the Spoiler function??? Is it gone??:

You can even "summon" final bosses on the fly with -> placeatpc "dagoth_ur_1"/"almalexia_warrior"/bm_hircine_straspect" 1,1,1 <- to make a quick test for final boss music.

EDIT: try this, it's a http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X8418LWR, when you reload, if xn_play is reset properly you will get a message. And I made a few other changes and you should try it in the Seyda Neen/Bitter coast areas.
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:30 am

The next version, that will be a little update, will have less archives to download, but the installation will have to be done manually. It's useless to keep talking about WM bain, I'm sorry I'm not going to reupload all the archives only for that. So this mod will have to be installed in the old fashion, be it of your liking or not.

that's not a hard fix. the archives mainly consist of music files, right? and you are only really updating the plugin, right?

the end user can replace the plugin in the archive, and then use mash to install.

edit, the spoiler tag is hidden in the "other styles" dropdown.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:51 pm

Yeah I use your mod and it's the feature I like most.

Why, thank you. *Blush*

I think you are referring to my check to see when you are changing cell (from interior to exterior and vice-versa) and battle music is playing, to force battle scripts to stop properly (they kept running almost everytime).

Well, it didn't seem to work properly for me (as in, battle was not resetting when I switched from interior to exterior cells), and that's one part of the battle script I left completely alone.

So, here's my new version, which seems to work properly:

	if ( btb_battle != 0 )		if ( int == 0 )			if ( ext == 0 )				if ( player->getinterior == 1 )					set int to 1				else					set ext to 1				endif			endif		endif	endif	if ( int == 1 )		if ( player->getinterior == 0 )			startscript One_Script_To_Rule_Them_All			set int to 0		endif	endif	if ( ext == 1 )		if ( player->getinterior == 1 )			startscript One_Script_To_Rule_Them_All			set ext to 0		endif	endif

And I'm pretty sure that was the last thing to test besides the boss music. I need to go and do a bit more tweaking, though. I removed the delay for stopping the battle music at the end of a fight, which sounds a bit awkward (especially given how enemies "Die" at < 5 HP), so I might want to put it back in. And possibly find a better way to deal with the fact that "dying at 0 HP" just isn't an option.

Also, in order for inappropriate music to not carry over into cells with no call (for example, recalling from a dungeon to Foryn Gilinth's shack in Seyda Neen), I've had to add a condition to stream silence when the main startscript is run to reset everything. Problem is, this also plays over the main theme during chargen (d'oh!), so I need to add another condition there. All in all, though, we're definitely in the "fine-tuning" stage at this point... provided I don't experience any more zany crashing issues.

In fact, you may want to have a look at the battle script as it is now. Aside from the fact that I've chopped it down to just three enemies tracked (which, you and I both agreed didn't seem to be the source of the FPS issues), I've really streamlined this svcker down.


EDIT: try this, it's a http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X8418LWR, when you reload, if xn_play is reset properly you will get a message. And I made a few other changes and you should try it in the Seyda Neen/Bitter coast areas.

Ooh, a Megaupload file. You're moving up in the world :)

I'll give it a try and let you know. Possibly not tonight, though, since I'm about to pass out.
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jessica breen
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:28 am

And I'm pretty sure that was the last thing to test besides the boss music. I need to go and do a bit more tweaking, though. I removed the delay for stopping the battle music at the end of a fight, which sounds a bit awkward (especially given how enemies "Die" at < 5 HP), so I might want to put it back in. And possibly find a better way to deal with the fact that "dying at 0 HP" just isn't an option.

Well checking for hp<5 is already a good option, unavoidable if you think that sometimes the deads haven't 0 Hp, I found out corpses with still 3-4 hp's left, and it's very likely that they might have more sometimes (rare cases, however).

In fact, you may want to have a look at the battle script as it is now. Aside from the fact that I've chopped it down to just three enemies tracked (which, you and I both agreed didn't seem to be the source of the FPS issues), I've really streamlined this svcker down.

I will take a look at it. I too have lowered the number, mostly for one reason: reducing lines. I set 7 enemies max monitored, yeah I like that number! And a good number of lines has been wiped out.

I'll give it a try and let you know. Possibly not tonight, though, since I'm about to pass out.

Ok, take your time, however I would want to release the new version at the end of the next week at the most. Well you'll be able to test that in 5 minutes. But if you could confirm that the general stability is now acceptable for you it would be a good thing. And music not restarting automatically on reloading is the lesser of two evils.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:53 am

Well checking for hp<5 is already a good option, unavoidable if you think that sometimes the deads haven't 0 Hp, I found out corpses with still 3-4 hp's left, and it's very likely that they might have more sometimes (rare cases, however).

have you seen http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1122624-scripting-woes/page__view__findpost__p__16525199 at my scripting woes thread in the CS board?
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anna ley
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:20 pm

have you seen http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1122624-scripting-woes/page__view__findpost__p__16525199 at my scripting woes thread in the CS board?

Interesting thread, thanks, I will calmly read it when I have more time. I think I should look at CS forum threads more...
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:14 pm

Well checking for hp<5 is already a good option, unavoidable if you think that sometimes the deads haven't 0 Hp, I found out corpses with still 3-4 hp's left, and it's very likely that they might have more sometimes (rare cases, however).

There needs to be a better way to work around that. That being said, if faced with the option of battle music not ending when it should or ending too quickly, I'd take the former over the latter. At least battle music not ending can be reset with a simple cell switch.

I will take a look at it. I too have lowered the number, mostly for one reason: reducing lines. I set 7 enemies max monitored, yeah I like that number! And a good number of lines has been wiped out.

Of course, I checked and the way I had the script set up had regular battle interfering with the bosses/subbosses,s o I need to do a bit of tweaking. I put a "placeatPC" command for Umbra in the reset script, meaning that he shows up at my feet whenever it runs. It's hilarious because a good sign that one of my tests has gone awry is when four or five of him suddenly spawn at once >.<

Ok, take your time, however I would want to release the new version at the end of the next week at the most. Well you'll be able to test that in 5 minutes. But if you could confirm that the general stability is now acceptable for you it would be a good thing. And music not restarting automatically on reloading is the lesser of two evils.

Yeah, I'll look into it as soon as I'm done with mine. As quick of a job it is to look it over, I've noticed that constantly switching between your version of the mod and mine tends to cause lots of crashes when the game loads (apparently, Morrowind stores a lot of crap in the RAM that it shouldn't).

EDIT: I also seem to be having a *lot* of problems with your distance checks. Set the value any higher than 4000, and the game doesn't really keep track of them past 4500 or so and the music never resets. And lower, and the AI will usually still be tailing you, and there's lots of resets in and out of battle when you hit the threshold.

The problem seems to be that there's no way to tie this in neatly to whether or not the AI is still following you or not, otherwise I'm sure you would have. But I have an idea that seems just crazy enough to work: call on the reset script every time a battle track gets done playing. If the AI still *is* on your ass, then the transition should be seamless. If it *isn't*, then the normal explore music will resume. And all of the battle music tracks are generally short enough that there shouldn't be any circumstances where the music plays for an inordinately long time before a reset occurs unless you're deliberately trying to invoke it.

REVENGE OF THE EDIT: Yeah, that definitely works. It makes the battle music behave a lot like I have the town and explore music behaving, actually (lack of harsh transitions and all). So, you either kill your opponent outright and have the battle music end immediately, or you run and (hopefully) have escaped by the time the battle music ends, at which point it transitions smoothly into the explore music. It also gives me one more excuse to just say "[censored] it" and reduce the HP thresholds for opponent deaths from 5 to 0 (at least until we figure out a better system).

Wow... I just said "we", didn't I? Sorry if I sound like I'm horning in on your work, here. I'm honestly just glad I feel like I have something to contribute at this point.

Speaking of contributing, there seems to be something wrong with that latest update I downloaded. It's incredibly small (100 some-odd KB, whereas your last updates were around 800 kb-ish), and Morrowind refuses to even load when the file is in my "Data Files" directory, unchecked or not. It says that "BMS_UPDATE_v1.7.3 - Test vresion" isn't even a valid .esp file. Maybe I just got a corrupted download or something. I'll look into it more in the morning when I'm less exhausted.

Oh, and I'm, going to say that my version is pretty much "done" at this point, since the boss battle music was the last thing left that I hadn't tested. I ended up having to restructure the battle script a bit more to accommodate it properly, so the final version is a bit different from the last one I posted.

Again, if you're curious (which I frankly wouldn't fault you for not being at this point), this is my finished product:

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