'tis better to beg forgiveness than ask permission >.>
The way you started this thread (or simply the fact that you started a thread to make people know about a "future" modification of yours) just made me (us) believe the exact contrary. I hjope you were actually not so "clear-headed" while starting this thread, although it's hard to believe...
I think given my history of taking mods and "fixing" them, it was wrong of me to assume that it would be taken any other way. If it makes you feel any better, what I was actually thinking when I made this thread is how long I've had this mod on my radar and that perhaps you might be glad to see one the loudest, most opinionated voices on these boards finally take an interest.
Granted, the *real* reason I avoided it so long is because I knew I was going to customize the hell out of the soundtrack (I think I came up with a pretty solid setlist, by the by), and the thought of wasting days of my life doing so intimidated me. I'm amazed that it only took me one day... though I've yet to get the plugin edited, which may very well take me longer.
What are trying to say? That it's bad scripting? Well, ahem, I think that at an expert scripter glance it may appear a little confusing. I mean, I had to jump through hoops to make all optional features work well together, it wasn't so easy (at least for me). I think that is a part I will manage for the next version, maybe re-structuring some of the scripts.
No, not bad. Just excessive. Bad would be if I could make a smaller script that did everything yours does. Yours does everything as efficiently as it can from what I can tell, my opinion is simply that you ask too much of it.
To a very large extent, this is going to be unavoidable. I fully appreciate the significance and magnitude of taking something that's so deeply (and so poorly) hard-coded into the game and override it completely. It's for this exact reason why that every optional feature you throw on top of that already massive pile of crap is just one more straw onto the camel's back.
If it were me, I'd have broken BMS up into modules, with one "core" plugin, and one for each additional plugin. Gets rid of the problem of needing an item to configure it, at any rate. Might make the download size a bit big if you have too many options, though. But I don't imagine you'd mind, given that the music pack contains several copies of the same song you've used in different places (which I will cite as the only real "mistake" I think you've made).
It didn't seem so implied, to be honest.
Again, that's my fault. My apologies.
1st lvl is unnecessary if you never use it, of course. For example, I start playing with normal mode, then when I get stronger I swicth to the alternative one. This thing is also justified by mods that strenghten (weak) enemies.
Yeah, I'm actually going to have to edit either your plugin or Morrowind Advanced for that one, since it raises the HP of Cliff Racers to 75, but diseased Cliff Racers still have 45. The only question is going to become if I want to include Cliff Racers in the group of enemies that don't set off the battle music.
Well, again, you've done good. I've never run across a mod (or modder) that I was 100% happy with without adding my own personal touch, and I think you did more than a good enough job in your documentation to tell me enough about how your script works so that I will know how to change it to my liking.
However the mods haven't shown up which is kudo's to everyone holding back from saying what else they might be thinking
In any other forum, this would have been the case. One of the things that I like about this place is that we're all advlts (or, at least we act like them sometimes).
Still this really could have been contained within your Release thread as suggestions for optimizing it - posting when tired or drunk or tired and drunk never makes for quality conversation - not saying you were drunk BTB

I probably was >.>
The reason I made this its own thread rather than posting it in mine, though, is that I was hoping to catch XN's attention on the off-chance I had to start asking him questions about how his script works. Though, I probably should have played up the whole "customizing it to suit my needs" aspect of it (like raising the HP threshold for weak creatures thing, which I may very well end up asking fro help with) rather than talking about hacking his beloved child to pieces in front of him.
Again, I blame the alochol.
EDIT: and see, speaking of questions, I'm trying to figure out why some towns have far less slots available than others do. As in, I wonder why it is I can't just add more? It seems that there is some arbitrary limit in the CS about how long scripts can be, but if that's the problem I would presume I can just steal unused slots from other towns.