» Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:37 am
Still a huge leak of support anyways...
Just want my money back somehow, this is one of the worst games I've ever bought. And I'm not only talking about the technical issues, also about the gameplay but thats personal taste.
Nvm, I'm just going to install Crysis 1 again, its way better than this "Game of the Year 2011".
i see.. u havent played black ops xD
i coudnt play the game over 3 weeks.. cause of major server/client lagging.. and worse performance.. i got better fps with crysis 2 then with blackops.. there i was realy pissed off..
but some problems at release and some bugs is something u have to deal with it.. even starcraft 2 havent run perfectly at release.
if crytek dont patch.. dont do anything that the community is saying.. u could be angry.. but not after 2-3 days and 1 single patch, thats my opinion.
also ur just behave like a dramaqueen.. worstgame ever bought.. that tells me.. ur hysterical or just havent bought much games.
This answer is just awesome, Very well said mate.
Got a good few giggles at the end aswell haha.