i hope so..............if giant spiders can be killed just as easily as rats in the game...........oh wait. i HATE spiders. this might actually be good news for arachnaphobes like me.
i just hope that it doesnt translate into other enemies as well. if i can kill giants by just spamming spells i will be sorely disappointed..........spiders its ok though and in fact i wouldnt mind them only having one hitpoint.
Mhm... Personally, I don't see why powerful magic is a bad thing. In the previous game you had to set an average bandit or city guard on fire dozens of times to inflict any significant damage, not to mention how many claymore-slashes anyone/anything could withstand without even as much as slowing down... I hope at least in Skyrim effects and things that look ridiculously deadly (dragon breath, war hammer blows, chain lightning, arrows sticking out of the throat, even classic fireballs) will actually
be such.