The description on that site gives an overview and the embedded explains what the mod is all about at some length.
Basically, I aim to implement my favorite spells from TES:III and TES:IV. The main guidelines for the mod are:
- Illusion spells deal no damage
- Mysticism spells are primarily utility spells (not absorb health and so on)
- Prioritize spells that are not already on Nexus
- Prioritize functionality over abundance
- Spells should work out of the box without the need to explain anything
effect / spell name / summary
- sound / pandemonium / interrupt a target's casting,
- silence / silence / prevent a target from casting anything all together
- chameleon / chameleon / become transparent
- command humanoid / subjugate / force an NPC to be your ally for a short duration
- command creature / possess creature / same
- sanctuary / sanctuary (Morrowind) / dodge some physical damage
- nighteye / sixth vision / enables caster to see in the dark
- balefire / light / basically a magelight (Skyrim) clone with a better projectile and a large radius
- charm / charm / buy and sell stuff at better prices, improve persuasion
- spelldrinker / absorb spell / negate effect of offensive magic, converting the absorbed damage to magicka
- mirror / reflect spell / return a negative spell at a hostile NPC (passively, no ward)
Alright! That should about cover it. Thanks for reading.