World of Warcaft.
10 million players.
Going from Vanilla and Burning Crusade (with hard content) to Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm.
Teleports everywhere, reduced cooldowns on everything. Reduced prices. Quests are easier and easier. Free gear. Getting top gear from running old/easier content. Flying mounts. Flying mounts at lower levels, flying everywhere. Literally everything in that game got made easier. And less time-consuming.
WoW has lost subscriptions true. But not that many. I am amazed how the current playerbase keeps fighting for easier dungeons, easier gear, easier quests, easier leveling. I stopped a long tome ago (after killing the LK). But in September and October I played 2 months of Cataclysm. Too easy. I didn't like it, and stopped (after killing Ragnaros (the lvl85 one)). Lucky for me, Skyrim is out now. But after reading the forums, talking to guildies, checking out the general opinion of players in WoW, I am now accepting that there are many players who like what WoW has become. Easy. And Blizzard likes it too. They are aiming for the 25 million Farmville players. They rather take in those 25 million, than developing content for their current (or old) playerbase. It makes me sad.
Skyrim is different. The center of the game is not the hamster wheel. The center of Skyrim is the story, the landscapes, the graphics, the quests. It feels very refreshing after playing MMOs. If Skyrim isn't perfect, that's fine with me. As long as I can find my way in the game and enjoy myself.