and when I say potions I do mean that she simulates taking a potion but in reality casts the spell - just checking we are on same track as the intention is to avoid dinkum's excellent script with a different way of handling the situation
Yep, the way I was imagining was: play a drink sound and a restoration hit sound on her, decrement the variable for that potion type and apply potion effects by script. That OK?
BTW, if we're keeping all potion types in variables then you can use a messagebox in dialogue results to tell the player how many she's got left of each type if you want (so e.g. the player could ask how many levitation potions she's got, see the results and give her more if needed). Of course you can do that anyway, but keeping them as variables makes it a one-liner (no need to check item count).
I know there is no check for blight or attributes but I don't want it to be too easy for her either - perhaps if she has it scripted that each day she has to take a cure blight restore attributes potion and only has 5 days supply - after 4 days she can warn via message box that she's running low on medicine and will have to return for more after the 5th is used she would teleport home and wait there - actually if that could be set like a state it would make an excellent side mission for me to find a cure for her - once I gain the cure she could have the restoration done automatically - what do you think?
Hm, I don't know really... You could check for a blight disease in dialogue (a script var can be used as filter) or go the quest route (would also work fine I think). Another local variable could be used for the medicine supply if you want - the script can give a messagebox when she's down to 1, that's no problem.
Re teleporting & extraction from lava pits... When I wrote that I'd kind of forgotten she'll bail out if she's at low health - so it's no so much an issue for her (most companions will just stand there until they die, so if you can't get to them you'd need some way of summoning them).
Preventing the player from using teleport mod summoning on the clones is probably a good idea I think - because unless they're completely removed from the game it will find them and teleport them to the player, which would mess things up in a big way... and if they *are* completely removed from the game it will give the player a warning message when it can't find them - plus my mod uses the ID in the warning since it won't know the name unless it can get a reference, so it won't say it can't find Lairah, it will say it can't find Illy_LairahClone00000000 or whatever the ref ID is, which looks pretty bad. (And now that I consider this some more, I realise I should have stored the NPC's name as well as the ref ID :banghead:). CDCooley's companion teleporting will probably say she's dead if it can't find the NPC (it's not MWSE-dependent so it can't store or find refs). Not sure what his MWSE version would do...
Erm, now that I see all that written down together, I'm beginning to realise why players tend to have difficulty with that type of mod... :blink:
If you want to disable teleporting with my mod, add this spell to your mod (exactly as it is, including ID and casting cost):
Just give the spell to your NPCs that you don't want teleported and the mod will detect it. If the player tries to add them to their teleport list they'll just be told they can't do that now. And if you want to enable teleporting for an NPC later you can just remove the spell the usual way.
For CDCooley's mods (both) you'll need a global variable cdc_teleportation (leave it at the defaults ie short, default 0). Decide which dialogue lines should remove the companion if they've been added (wait dialogues or end quests or whatever) and copy them. Add an extra filter to the top copy for "global cdc_teleportation != 0" (this will detect if one of the teleport mods is running) and in the results add this:
set cdc_companion_call_script.remove to 1StartScript cdc_companion_call_script
Of course it's up to you whether you want to add this or not, it's just a suggestion.
likely there will be a random penalty like making the player strip and run through Vivic and hassle 3 ordinators or donate 1000 gold to the Fighters Guild orphan fund
:lol: I love it!
Oh and I'm still stuck in getting my first script that Cyrano wrote for me to work - though will try setting a shorter distance for the first waypoint again to see what happens.
I'm kind of hoping Cyrano will turn up again to deal with that! I've never actually used AIEscort myself, and when I tried to get a creature to AITravel across a cell boundary I ended up using SetPos instead (she just wouldn't move!
