» Wed May 02, 2012 7:53 pm
My vision of pre-death Lorkhan is http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100215004517/bioshock/images/thumb/c/c4/Fontaine_First_Form.png/362px-Fontaine_First_Form.png from Bioshock or just that Hellenistic idea of human perfection: sculpted and bronze-like.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Thor.jpg, 'nuff said.
And http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_O0ch3ABb3L4/TOzuVAzMS7I/AAAAAAAACgk/PTvW37i-Z7c/s1600/Jose%2BBenlliure%2BGi%2Bl-%2Bla%2Bbarca%2Bde%2BCaronte%2B1919.jpg is exactly how I imagine Ysmir.
Basically the http://www.sangam.org/taraki/articles/2006/images/Dali_New_Child_000.jpg is one of age. He starts out in a sort of Platonic form, like the paragon and perfect man, statuesque. When he arrives on Nirn he is immortal but doomed, and thus he becomes the likeness of the first men. After losing his divine spark he becomes old, haggard, ashen and physically weak and immaterial but held together and retentive of power seemingly solely because of hatred.
A great character.