TIME: Any - Day - Night (radio button)
SERVICES: Mage - Boats - Strider (check boxes)
EXPLORE: Yes - No (radio button)
SPEED: Reckless - Moderate - Safe (radio button)
TOT: Shows length of travel ETA: Shows estimated time of arrival
RESULT: Cost 78 with Medium Risk
SAVE DEFAULT - TRAVEL - CANCEL (command buttons, travel is default to not "waste time").
The idea is that it is not needed to have a dumb toggle, which in some cases can influence how missions needs to be setup (bad game design). Hard core players will travel without using this box. And fast travelers will use this box and get approximately the same results as manual travel, but if he's not willing to sacrifice game time or money (travel by foot or horse, but automatically), the game will stop if the algorithm rolls a trouble, as influenced by level and skills that are applied automatically. If you're on foot and your feather spell wears out, game stops so you can fix problem.
I also saw another one I can live with - skill perk. It's totally up to the player if he wants it or not, but at least it have some cost. It's the easiest by far to setup a cost, at least without travel services. But I must say, I'd really like to see travel services back.
Fast travel overlay should be shown on map, showing only those relevant to the location you hover over:
Makes it more accessible even to hardcoe players. It's supposed to be your character knowing it, not the player.