Installed SkyRe and Immersive Armors/Weapons. I used the ReProcer which happened to fix the Weapons, but most of the armors that come with Immersive Armors have 0 armor rating whatsoever. Anyone have a solution?
Installed SkyRe and Immersive Armors/Weapons. I used the ReProcer which happened to fix the Weapons, but most of the armors that come with Immersive Armors have 0 armor rating whatsoever. Anyone have a solution?
use modified reproccer .xml files that will address the issue there are 2 mods that have modified .xml file
1st is balbor reproccer patches
i dont know 2nd mod search on nexus man they are easy enough to find search reproccer on nexus
There's a link to the IA V7 SkyRe patch in the first sticky post on the Immersive Armors mod page.