This forum has runined the word "immersion" for me.
I hope so. The mods that did it for all of their older games were really great - at least the ones that kept first-person arms with a third-person body. Just putting a first-person camera with third-person animations looks like a mess.
I wouldn't count on it, though, honestly.
First-person mode where you can look down and see your body and feet, mostly.
Even if they don't, there will be mods to allow it so I'm not worried. But yes, for all those games that use 1st persona camera, being more than a pair or arms should be the standard.
My only requirement would be normal first person... I love how Beth gives us the option of first or third person. ALL games should be like that imho.
Slightly off topic, but was Mirror's Edge the first game to show your feet and legs in first person view?
Then expect everyone to pick female characters, look down and be like ''ME HAS BOOBIES!''
I find this forum (and thread) very immersive...
Actually if it is possible I'd like to play Fallout 4 with HTC vive or Occulus rift, so that kind of support would be nice.
Meh. The few games I've played/seen vids of, that had visible legs.... just looked awkward. No thanks.
Looking again at some of the E3 video, it looks like the 1st person view is at upper chest height, so you get to see your arms/hands more clearly during combat.
So I'm guessing there's no player character body in 1st person view, just a pair of disembodied arms. There was certainly no hint of a body, even when the deathclaw
I felt the same way for years, until I discovered I originally DL'd it for first person horse riding, which the lack of, annoyed me to no end in vanilla. I wasn't the least bit interested in seeing my characters body when I looked down in first person mode, but it eventually grew on me. now it's a fixture in my game and will remain that way.
The mod is by no means a perfect solution to seeing your body while in first person mode, but it does serve it's purpose. I hope that one day Beth can do this adequately.
......yeeeaaahh, no. I watched the review videos of that, and it just looks terrible to me. Sorry.
I just don't understand the attraction of this kind of feature.
Neither did I until I actually started playing with that mod. Like I said, it's not perfect, but after playing with it for a while, it does show just how jarring it can be to look down at where your body should be, only to find out you don't have one.
And watching videos, isn't nearly the same as experiencing it firsthand.
Will our health be displayed by a boob tattoo, though?
Regarding the question, I hope so, but I doubt it. I'd like to at least be able to see legs.
First of all what are you talking about?
Second of all I have no issues with the no body mesh currently used..-shrug
I've seen the mesh in all games since and including Morrowind.. It has arms and hands.. That's it. I'm fine that..
This isn't a first person shooter. I don't want it to be, either.
What are you talking about of course it is.
On topic: With FO4's emphasis on third person (dialogue, power armor, and death animations), I'd prefer visible legs and body would be in first person. Though if it's not, oh well.
There was a game where you played as an infant (no, really! ) but I don′t recall its name.
It would be nice and all but in no way a deal-breaker for me if not included.