Immersive Interiors is an ambitious, total lighting overhaul for interiors.
It is a project based upon my Oblivion The aim is to replace the generic, always dark interiors of city buildings and turn them into dynamic areas that reflect the outdoor lighting, weather and sound. This removes the feeling of the interiors being isolated, dungeon like areas and transforms them into areas with new found realism and immersion.
== So, how does it do this? ==
- Makes every window transparent and allows you to see the weather, lighting and city exterior from inside the building. This means you can be sitting in a tavern watching the sun set on the street outside.
- Uses carefully crafted imagespace and lighting templates to reflect the outdoor weather inside. So if there's a beautiful sunset in Whiterun when you enter Breezehome, your home will be flooded with luscious orange light. If it's dark and raining, then the inside will be dark and you'll see rain trickle down the windows.
- Improves Bethesda's "console lighting" by making sure every light source actually produces light where it should. Adds more special effects in interiors and uses shadow lights wherever possible to achieve a realistic look.
Whereas the Oblivion version recreates the cities outside, this is more than that, and is a total lighting overhaul for interiors.
The full description, readme and other information can be found on the Nexus.
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