Thanks for all the awesome comments guys
I'm going to buck the trend a bit and release a public beta. Anyone is welcome to download it and test it ingame as long as you'd make a post answering the following questions:
How was the quality? Does it look good?
Found any bugs?
What are your computer stats? (mainly looking for CPU, Graphics Card and RAM)
Did this mod effect your interior cell performance? If so, by how much?
Any suggestions?
In the beta the interiors west of and including the Anvil Mages Guild have been done. They're not 100% optimised, the mod is not cleaned or anything so I wouldn't suggest you keep it permanently enabled, but I just want to see how you all react to them ingame, and by how much, if at all, it effects your performance. Load order is irrelevant at the moment
EDIT: Fixed package uploaded. Extract the Meshes and Textures folder to your data folder along with the esp.
Thanks guys