[Idea] Immersive Quivers

Post » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:16 am

I'm all about realism and immersion in skyrim. Something I would like to see is a more immersive way of handling quivers and arrows. What I would like to see is when you buy arrows or loot them you just get the arrow and no quiver. To be able to have arrows at the ready for firing you must have a quiver. Quivers are bought, crafted or looted and each have different arrow capacities. For example.

Small Leather Quiver - 15

Leather Quiver - 25

Large Leather Quiver - 35

Small Reinforced Quiver - 20

Reinfrced Quiver - 30

Large Reinforced Quiver - 40

Small Armored Quiver - 30

Armored Quiver - 40

Large Armored Quiver - 50

Leather quivers would be the most common (like calipers in Oblivion, they're everywhere), Reinforced Quivers are uncommon and not found very often and Armored Quivers are rare.

I also have a reason for having them categorized as Leather, Reinforced, Armored. I would to have it where if you are attacked from behind or knocked down you have a chance of breaking them and will get broken arrow peaces like in http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51149/?. The quiver quality along with the arrow quality (maybe using the same system as ARSO) depends on how likely the arrows will break.

I know Duke Patrick has a system that is similar but his mod, while great in many ways, just isnt for me.


After posting this I thought it would be a good idea to message the author of ARSO about it too to see what he thought about it.

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