[RELz] Immersive Sounds - Magic 2.0

Post » Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:49 am



Major update! Destruction sounds have gotten a lot of attention this time, and I finally got around to creating brand new, unique casting sounds for the mind-altering spells of the Illusion school (which previously just shared the firebolt sounds). Many people had grievances with some of the vanilla sounds, like ice spells being really harsh on the ears. So I tried making new ones that are more toned down in the mid and high frequencies... while still sounding quite sharp and frosty. Flame/fire spells have also been pretty much completely overhauled. I didn't really think it felt right sounding like you were holding an entire bonfire in your hands, so all the burning noises have a more soft, windy nature to them now. Pretty much been in crunch mode all week finishing this... I hope you like it!

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El Goose
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