This is just a very early version I've thrown together for evaluation purposes, as I feel it's far from ready to be put on the nexus or workshop yet. The mod's aim is to overhaul or slightly change many of the sounds in Skyrim. This is not to say I thought the sounds themselves were bad, most of them are pretty damn good as is, but my main problems are usually a lack of a proximity feel for a 1st person game, and some very odd ingame sound mixing with regards to volume and categorizing (for instance the horse footstep sounds were listed under ambient sounds, so no wonder they were barely audible for me as I have ambient sounds set to be more quiet than the others.)
Many sounds that were previously mono are being redone as stereo. I'm not just slapping a stereo separation effect on the original sound, but rather adding new stereo elements over it such as rattling chains over a portucullis opening, jacob's ladder arcs over the sparks sound, etc.
The restoration school spells have nearly all been redone, with a more classic "holy" feel to it and less obnoxious tingling noises.
Started redoing some of the footstep sounds, then I realized what a daunting task it would be (700+ sounds in total!) so I will rather save that work for later.
Some of the UI sounds are replaced as well, however I was not satisfied with how they turned out so I'll probably completely revise them. The skill up sound has been reinterpreted in a more Oblivion style.
1-handed swords have new draw and sheathe sounds.
Potion sounds have been dramaticly altered
Ingredient gathering sounds were remade to really make it sound like you were pulling up plants from their roots, problem is I quickly realized this was used as a catch-all sound for any kind of ingredient looting, like bread... so definitely back to the drawing board for that one!
I used a lot of resources from so I'll have one mother of a credits list to compile... but I'm also slowly accumulating a professional library to work with. I just purchased a juicy 9gb library of medieval weaponry sounds and I'll probably make good use of that for the next release.