» Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:50 pm
New updated more logical one
Dark Brotherhood: 110
Assassins: 80: there are 15 within the sanctuary of Wayrest, Daggerfall, Farrun, and Sharnhelm. There are 20 others scattered through the Province.
Shadow scales: 15: Straight from the swaps of Black Marsh, these argonians are presented to the Brotherhood at birth, and trained to be Elite. They reside in Camlorn. They wear Grey Leather armor, with an image of the shadow constellation imprinted on the front. They usually wear white robes over it, when disguised.
Unknown Soldiers: 10: These are the Elite assassins of the Brotherhood. They wear black leather, with white bands around their arm, signifying their rank. They reside in Evermore.
Communicators: 5: These are the couriers of the brotherhood. They sometime bear weapons, but mainly communicate for the Brotherhood, sometimes recruiting members, and helping smuggle goods. Their mounts are black fast steeds of a sort.
Wayrest: Lead by Claud Ryus.
Daggerfall: Lead by Valen Baltas
Sharnhelm: Lead by Almerion (the former speaker has betrayed the Brotherhood, and Almerion is taking control along with purifying the sanctuary with the exception of Renal. Solidor)
Farrun: Lead by Verus Terentius. (Ambrose's character, the former speaker had died)
People of importance
Valen Baltas:
Valen is the leader of the sanctuary at Daggerfall, and is Jamaal's right hand man. He is a middle aged Dunmer, with a long black ponytail. Sometimes he will travel to Wayrest to meet up with Claud and Jamaal. He wears black leather armor, and uses a black steel blade with Obsidian Edges. He also bears a bladed crossbow like Jamaal's.
Claud Ryus:
Claud is a middle aged Imperial, that leads the sanctuary at Wayrest. He is a highly skilled sleeper agent. He is third in command among the Province. We wears black leather, and wields a silver longsword, long with a wrist blade. He carries 5 throwing knives for ranged attacks.
Renal Christophe:
Renal is the silencer in Sharnhelm, and is the greatest among the silencers. He also, like the others, wears black leather, and he bears a silver short-sword, along with 15 throwing knives. He is a Red Guard, and Jamaal's best friend. His hair is short and black. He wears a Grey headband around his head.
Hakar Maulhand:
Hakar is a Nord from Skyrim. He dwells in Farrun, and works as the silencer there. He is a large Nord, and wears Steel armor. His weapon is a large steel sword. He is more of a straight forward killer, but he has many skillful assassins in his district. His hair is in wind braids, and is in a blackish color. His Grandmother is said to be Imperial.
Rhano Christophe:
Renal's little brother. He is a RedGuard, featuring short black corn rowed hair. He wears brown leather armor, and bears a steel shortsword. He aslo has a wrist blade, and carries a bladed crossbow. He is the silencer of the Daggerfall sanctuary.
Vincent Loche:
Vincent is a Breton, and resides in the Wayrest sanctuary as its silencer. He is a Mage, and a quite skillful one. He is great at Conjuration. He wears black enchanted robes, and wears a black hood over his curly black hair. He is quite powerful, and is the High Rock Dark Brotherhood's best spell teacher, and mage. He also sells scrolls and Magical equipment, making him a useful merchant. He keeps a steel short blade on his belt, for emergencies.
Hides-His-Blade is one of the two head scouts. He is Argonian, and resides with his twin brother Hides-His-Bow in Anticlere. He wears Brown leather armor, and bears a steel longsword. He stays in Algot's shop.
Hides-His-Bow is one of the two head scouts. He is Argonian, and resides with his twin brother Hides-His-Blade in Anticlere. He wears Black leather armor, and bears a steel bow. He stays in Algot's shop.
Shameel is the esteemed leader of the shadowscales. He is a Reddish Argonian, and wears Grey Leather Armor with the Shadow constellation imprinted. He wears white robes when disguised, as do all shadowscales. He bears a steel short-blade at his belt, with a silver headed crossbow slung over his right shoulder.
Shizzar is a moderately sized Khajiit. He is the leader of the "Unknown Soldiers," The section of the High Rock Dark Brotherhood, which features the best assassins in the order. He wears Black leather like most of the other assassins, except, besides from the white strips that the Unkown Soldiers usually wear around their arm, wears a red one also, signifying his rank.
Algot the Ironhanded:
Algot is a blacksmith residing in Anticlere. He is a large Nord, with long, shaggy blond hair. He carries a small iron blade, but it is not much of an assassin. He spies out any southern political and war naval activity for the Brotherhood. He also has a job unloading crates and goods and such. This helps him smuggle any foreign goods the Brotherhood might need from the Dark Brotherhood members in the Summerset Isle. He is Anticlere born, and that helps him get by with such illegal activities. He has a large basemant featuring a small amount of beds in it, but he lets the other members of the Brotherhood stay there.
Aerin is a short bosmer woman, and the master trainer in marksman for the Brotherhood. She has a job as a hunter in the city of Farrun. She also spies out any northern naval activity. She wears very light leather armor overcoated with fur.
Oron Gro-Malog:
Oron is one of Elysana's many butlers, and provides the Brotherhood with otherwise secret political information capable of his knowing. He carries a steel dagger, and informs the Brotherhood of much. He is a large bald Orc, and wears an armless worn leather button jacket, bearing wool on the edges. He wears coarse linen pants, and looks like the usual casual butler.
Travis Carius:
Travis holds a high city guard position in Wayrest, informing the Dark Brotherhood of lawful activity. He also covers for them, and does his best to protect his fellow guild members. He wears chain mail armor excluding the helmet, and bears a silver longsword. He bears a wood-iron shield. He features light brown hair, and keeps it in a ponytail.
Titus Vonius:
Titus is an Imperial assassin residing in Gauvadon. He is a sleeper agent type, and is an apparel shop owner. He wears a blue collared shirt, with tan colored linen pants. He has short curly black hair, and wields a small silver dagger, often poisoned with a deadly sort of venom. He works with Xavier, his best friend.
Xavier Aldius:
Xavier resides in Gauvadon, and works with Titus, his best friend. He is an Albino imperial. His head is cleaned shaved. His weapon is a steel shortsword, and he also wears a wrist-blade, and wears a black bow slung over his shoulder. He wears void-like black robes.
Valcar is an Altmer residing in Anticlere. He is the second most powerful mage in the High Rock Dark Brotherhood. He wears tan robes, and knows much Conjuration, and stealth spell skills. He can cast great spells, but his magicka is not up to that rank, although it is good. He stays in Algot's shop.
Alasoni is a Dunmer living in Raven Spring. She wears her long black hair in a ponytail, and is quite beautiful. She carries a steel dagger with many razors, and wears casual clothing, depending on the day. Many times she induces her targets into thinking she is a prosttute, and kills them once they have removed their clothing.
Marc Avius:
Marc resides in the sanctuary at Daggerfall, where he sells poison apples to members, and sometimes does contracts with them himself. His hair is short and jet black. He bears a silver short-blade, and will occasionally travel to Anticlere, to pick goods up from Algot, and distribute them among the members of the province. Many members call him the "courier" as a disguise name for them to use, and to protect his identity. His role may not seem important, but he is a large part of the Brotherhood's communication. Their are also 4 lesser members that do some minor communication work when he does not have time. When he travels to Anticlere, he stays with his best friend, Algot.