I never meant to suggest killing off characters "just because". If I suggested it, it's because there are some in the RP for whom assassination would be a reasonable strategic move. But I'll concede it because I'd really prefer to not win this argument, lest I suffer an aforementioned guilt trip. Plot armor for everyone. That's not to say I won't seek ways to go outside the boundaries of what plot armor typically allows.
That said, this RP has gone beyond the bounds of decent storytelling. Some of the people in the RP have made an excellent effort to try to make it that way but it's clear that it's taken a backseat to player desires. I am one who thinks that such is a bad thing, but I'm not going to condemn anyone for it. At the same time, don't expect me to treat it as such anymore. I'll try to spend less time whining and more time learning to pull out all the stops.
The Yokudans are throwing everything they have into attacking one city, why should the Confederation not similarly pool their forces? By the time Donovan learns that the war is back on and that Rihad's armies have slipped away, Rihad's forces could have gone to Roseguard and back. If not, I'm sure I'll be able to formulate a very nasty surprise for them.
Edit: Assuming he learns at all. There are ways to prevent intel from being delivered.
You shouldn't suffer a guilt trip for winning an argument, and we don't expect you to play nice or hold back in the RP. You should do whatever you can to win, justifiably in the RP, just don't be supprised if the stops don't work

As easily as you can justify thwarting an attack, I'm sure we can come up with an equal reason on how to thwart the thwarters. As for the assasinations I don't contest the possiblitly of attempt, I realize the strategic value all to well of cutting off the head of the army, but what I don't agree with is giving said strategic value without it being earned.
As for Donovon, uninterupted lines of communication via the sea? and the fact that he's actually a big part of our plans means that he would be in the know every step of the way. The Army doesn't move unti the navy moves and vice versa. The coast is completely under Yokudan control, movements by Rihad or Roseguard would be hard to not notice.
Edit: I would love the chance to see what you got Crimson, I'm sure whatever you have planed would be spectacular.