Imp-erial Conquest (a mini RP)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:02 pm

The outline of this RP:

This is a faction/quest type RP based around a small band of Imps, led by the mischevious and hopelessly bumbling Lord Pilaf. This RP will have a maximum of five players at any given time, although later on some of us may have the option of controlling multiple characters if we wish and if the story evolves in that direction. This RP is meant to be silly and somewhat humorous at times, and the action is far from epic, taking place on a much smaller scale than many of the RPs on the forum.
Rules of this RP:

1 - I expect everybody to try to get along, and to stay on topic. If you have a concern or question, IM me. I am only on during certain hours of the day due to my job. I will reply promptly as possible. Keep OOC posts to a minumum, and if you simply must post something OOC, I expect an In Character post of at least one paragraph after it. No exclusively OOC posts Please IM me if I am not around. There will be times I am away as long as 16 hours, so be patient. I won't let this RP die easily.

2 - Please try to use good English and Grammar. I understand if this is not your native language, but try to use proper capitalization and punctuation. Follow my example, and you'll do well enough.

3 - No ultra powerful characters. Your character will have seven major skills and use only those to any great extent. You're allowed three adept minor skills, but you'll never be as good at them as your majors. This is why I expect teamwork and diversity in this RP. It makes things more interesting and realistic to rely on another person with different skill sets.

4 - No killing or controlling another poster's character(s) without their express permission.

5 - One character maximum per poster, with the exception of me, since I will control all quest givers and major boss enemies. This faction heavily favors Imps, and since this is the first chapter, will be exclusively Imp.

Character Sheets:

Name: (Keep in mind that Imps will have silly, random names... my character is named after a bowl he wears on his head. Some Imps might have real world names like "Charlie." Some may have Imperial or Khajiit names..some might be named "Ebony Longsword" or some random item from the Elder Scrolls universe. This is basically a scavenger race so it's fitting they have scavenged names.)

Age: (40 is considered ancient for an Imp, with 10 being a young advlt)




Class: Preset or custom


Major skills: choose seven

Minors: choose three skills you're kind of good at as backup

Equipment: We're a ragtag group of outcasts at first, so no armor better than leather or steel, and no weapons better than steel or silver. No uber alchemy or repair equipment either.

Spells: For the casters. Must be from schools you're proficient with only, and at a realistic level of power for your rank.

Rank: This is your proficiency at your given class. Novice, Adept, Journeyman, Expert, Master and Grandmaster are the achievable ranks. Secretmaster rank exists, but we won't reach it. It's reserved for Bosses and NPCs.

Short Bio/Personality: Nothing too in depth. A paragraph will do.


Name: Lord Pilaf

Age: 10 (let's assume 30 to be an old age for an Imp, with 10 being a young advlt)

Race: Imp

Gender: Male

Birthsign: The Lord

Class: Crusader

Specialization: Combat

Major skills: Heavy Armor, Block, Blade, Restoration, Destruction, Athletics, Speechcraft

Minors: Blunt Weapon, Marksman, Hand to Hand

Equipment: Imp-sized Steel cuirass, small iron shield, silver short sword. He wears a small ceramic bowl with the word "Pilaf" written upside down on his head as a "helmet". This was supposedly originally a rice bowl used by one of the humanoid races.

Spells: Heal Normal Wounds on self and other, Impy Wrath (Fire, Frost, Shock, Damage Health and Poison 1 point each for 10 seconds)

Rank: Expert

Short Bio/Personality: Lord Pilaf is the Impy ruler of all the Imps in Robber's Glen Cave. He achieved his position and his rank of Expert by being the best fighter and strongest personality of his tribe of Imps. Even though he is impressive by Imp standards, he is still quite a small and weak being compared to others in Cyrodill. Despite his disadvantages and his somewhat bumbling nature, he has ambitions to rule not only Robber's Glen Cave but also all of the caverns and ruins surrounding the town of Bravil. In short, he desires to be Imp-eror of Bravil County, no matter what the Big People might think.

His two closest henchman are his mount, a dog named Shu, and his girlfriend, the assassin named Mai. He rides Shu around during campaigns but Mai is rarely seen due to her being out on scouting missions.


Lord Pilaf stood before his minions, such as they were. A rag-tag group of Imps if ever there was one, dressed in the rags and hand-me-downs from other races that they were accustomed to, being near the bottom of the food chain as far as sentient races go.

Pilaf reigned over a whopping army of 12 Imps - at least half of which could lift a sword, and some of whom could even use one if need be. This was a feat of intelligence and dexterity as Impdom goes. Pilaf was quite confident he was the top ranking Imp leader in all of Cyrodill, or at least Bravil County, and this pleased him. His top four Lieutenants stood before him - brave men and women who would help him in his campaign to be Imp-eror, or at least to escape his battles against mountain lions and goblins unscathed. Or at the very least to provide a distraction as Pilaf ran for the hills, as would inevitably happen at some point. But his thoughts were running away with him. He had a speech to make..such as it was.

"Ahem...ladies and gentlemen!" he began, eyes scanning back and forth "I have ruled this cave for three weeks, and as you know things have improved drastically for us during that time period. Because of my strength, my cunning and my leadership, we have defeated the Big Bad Wolf who once prowled between here and Mingo Cave. Gentlemen..and Ladies? Sorry..all Imps look alike to me. TEEHEE. Ahem...Soldiers! Now that our path is clear, our objective is Mingo Cave. This will be a launching point for our wider campaign, and a rich site for much needed food and shelter for our expanding population. Fearsome monsters possibly dwell in this cave, including but not limited to rats, wolves..and maybe even a Mountain Lion! I can't do this alone. If our ambitions of Imp-erial conquest are to succeed, I will need the four finest retainers this Kingdom has to step forth and be at my side at all times during this campaign. Please step forth and state your name, and touch your weapon or your fist to my sword. This is the oath of conquest we take this, Mingo Cave, tomorrow, all of County Bravil! Long live the Imp-ire!"

Lord Pilaf raised his sword, awaiting the others.

(please post your character sheets at this time. Remember, only four players besides me so be quick! If you're late, I'll keep you notified for future RPs)
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Dan Wright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:34 pm

Name: Basher

Age: 21

Race: imp

Gender: Male

Birthsign: The warrior

Class: stealth solidier

Specialization: Combat

Major skills: blade, heavy armor, block, athletics, sneak, security, alchemy,

Equipment: steel armor and shield, silver sword

Rank: novice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:11 pm

Name: Mac

Age: 13

Race: Imp

Gender: Male

Birthsign: The Mage

Class: Spellsword

Specialization: Combat

Major skills: Destruction, Blade, Block, Illusion, Light Armor, Restoration, Mysticism

Minors: Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration

Equipment: A silver katana, a piece of chainmail he wears as a cloak

Spells: Lightning, Blinding, Healing, Levitate, Summon Micro-Imp

Rank: Expert

Short Bio/Personality: Twelve years ago Mac was summoned by a Conjurer, two years into working for him, he shocked him with a lightning bolt and ran away to a cave where he lived for ten years. He recently began working for an Imp named Lord Pilaf, who he assisted in clearing the cave of enemies. Mac is a kind of a grouch and is generally mean to everyone he doesn't respect. At this point, he soley respects Lord Pilaf
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Doniesha World
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:04 pm

ok im an imp :goodjob:
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:42 pm

No... that doesn't make any sense.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:14 am

Okay, I'll be an imp, although, my mother could be like a beast woman, like goblin jim, it could make sense, lets get started, ill edit my post
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:18 am

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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:35 pm

(Ah okay then. Sorry. I was away a couple days.)


Lord Pilaf stood with his two lieutenants, touching blades. "Okay. I won't need more than these two good soldiers for the assault on the beastie lair. You other two stay behind and help fortify this stronghold in my absence. Guard the weaker Imps with your very lives. Gentlemen.. these are your mounts!"

He gestures to two shaggy dogs stabled in a corner of the cave. "They are well trained by our Beastmaster and shall serve you well. You two mount up. I'll meet you outside the cave."

The "Lord of the Imp-ire" leapt nimbly onto his dog Shu's back, his wings crossed at his back since he was a heavily armored Imp and preferred not to fly much in full armor. He dug his tiny spurs into Shu's sides and the mount took off.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:59 pm

Mac hopped on his Dogs back and followed his Lord into battle. He rode up next to Lord Pilaf and looked over to him. "So how many beast do we plan on taking on today?" As he said that he drew his sword, ready to take on the whole Imperial Legion.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 pm

Ummmm... Forgive me if I'm wrong but uhhh...

Aren't Imps small? And, I don't really see how they are able to talk, let alone wear armor and carry weapons.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:11 am

Ummmm... Forgive me if I'm wrong but uhhh...

Aren't Imps small? And, I don't really see how they are able to talk, let alone wear armor and carry weapons.

IM me with such questions. Don't waste posts in my RP. We get a limited number as it is. I planned on explaining this farther into the RP anyway. I am aware of the differences between my Imps and those of the Lore..these Imps are special breeds. It all ties in with the story though so...


Thirty minutes later, outside Mingo Cave, the Imps had dismounted and were discussing strategy in the bushes

Pilaf turned to Mac and whispered. "See, over there, by the door. I see it plain as day. A sentry."

A guard dog stood by the entrance of the cave, his tongue wagging out in the heat of the mid day.

"Just one dog. But my scouts indicated that there has been some strange activity around this place. Scamps...oh those dirty Scamps. I hate them! They think they're so much better than us...HEY WAIT...there's one now. See!"

A smallish Daedra rounded the corner, munching on a piece of mutton. "Look, see..there are Scamps in the cave. I don't know what those little runts think they're doing but it can't be good for my plans. If we all three rush at once we should be able to overwhelm that big eared, ugly faced freak and his little dog too. Are we ready, gentlemen?" Lord Pilaf drew his blade and crouched into a sprinter's starter position.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 pm

Ummmm... Forgive me if I'm wrong but uhhh...

Aren't Imps small? And, I don't really see how they are able to talk, let alone wear armor and carry weapons.

OOC: They are small, thats why there mounts are dogs, and they use small weapons and armor. My imp will handle his katana like a HUGE claymore. They can communicate amongst themselves.

IC: "Ready." Mac says simply as he charges his lightning. Unfamiliar with how necesary the element of suprise is, Mac runs at the Scamp, screaming curses and flinging lightning. He begins to flap his wings and he rises up into the air. He draws his katana, pulling it out off balances him. He first steadys his grip on the blade, next he balances his flight so he returns hovering posistion. He transitions to a ready stance, and prepares himself to fight the scamp.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:41 am

Lord Pilaf had ran full speed at the dog, not bothering to spread his wings, which he preferred not to use anyway thanks to his heavy cuirass. He performed an athletic spinning move with his short blade, letting out a loud grunt as his sharpened blade dug into the flesh at the canine's throat.

He placed his other hand on the dog's face and declared "Face my Impy Wrath!"

Different colors of magicka coursed through his arm and exploded out through his hand into the dog's skull, frying its brain. It lay dead, smoke rising from its singed fur, as Pilaf noticed his companion facing the larger, stronger Scamp.

The Imp King stayed back, blade raised at the ready, wanting to give his subordinate a chance to fight before he intervened.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 am

Mac swung his sword at the scamp hard, his body went with his sword. Blood flew up from the scamp chest, it screeched in pain. He regained his balnced and charged his lightning. He flung a bolt and it hit, sending a surge through the scamp body. Mac charged another, but the scamp quickly lunged at him, hitting him hard twice. First with his left hand, then with his right. Mac spun around then hit the ground hard, he saw blood on his body.
"I need help!" Mac yelled.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 am

Lord Pilaf raised his blade and charged forward, ready to strike, when suddenly a silver arrow dropped the Scamp dead. Pilaf blinked and looked off to one side.

It was the assassin, Mai, his beloved and most skilled scout.

(This is my second character, to keep the action moving along fairly well)

Age: 8

Race: Imp

Gender: Female

Birthsign: The Serpent

Class: Assassin

Specialization: Stealth

Major skills: Sneak, Security, Marksman, Light Armor, Blade, Alchemy, Illusion

Minors: Acrobatics, Athletics, Mysticism

Equipment: deer leather cuirass and greaves, wool ninja mask. Steel longbow, quiver of silver arrows, Silver dagger

Spells: detect life, invisibility, paralyze, chameleon 40%

Rank: Journeyman


The female Assassin knelt by Mac and reached in her satchel for a healing potion she had concocted. She poured some into his open wounds and offered him a mouthful to swallow as well. "I'm Mai. You took a good beating there. You've got to be more careful, okay? There are more scamps inside the cave."

Her lover, the heavily armored crusader, stood next to her. "Is he gonna be okay?" "Yes, love, he should be fine. Let's regain our wits a bit before heading inside. I managed to sneak around in there last week. Their leader looks powerful


The poster 1999 has sent a request to join the RP.

This is his character:

Name: Beanbag

Age: 35

Race(Imp): Imp

Gender: male

Birthsign: unknown - well I musta had one, but I lost it - probably

Class: Wimp (Wizardly Imp - everyone knows that!)

Specialization: magica

Major skills: 7 Illusion (Chameleon, Impersonate other being, Ventriloquism), Mysticism (set/recall); Alteration Strong Hold, Telekinesis, Lev[who would know seeing Imps can already fly?]); Conjuration (Summon Hedgehog, Turn Undead; Stealth; Alchemy int, str, agil, charisma, stamina Boosters, Heal) includes cooking; Communication

Minors: choose three skills Read & Write, Inventing/Making things, Enchanting

Well, I am very old, so I must be wise, right? So if you want to know about anythings then I is here - or possibly over there, depending on where I is at the time. My lifestory? Corrr - umm - you don't have enough time for that, and besides it will take me lots of time to make one ... umm remember that much. :) Imps are marvellous people. We are the only people who understands Imps - so we are smarter than other people. And them Imperials copied our plans an thats why they has an Empire - so long as we lets them. Nods.

Beanbag is very small, even for an Imp - maybe because he is so old. And smart enough to know that he aint as strong as he used to be = why he has been learning up on alchemy - useful when making things. Set and Recall he learned during his 'Great Journey' to 'other parts' umm - that way - same with lev - he suffered a broken wing during his 'Great Journey' .

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