Imperial assassin

Post » Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:48 am

So I read a thread about freeing prisoners which got me thinking a bit.

I never really played the imperial side of the story in any way. And since I will only do one playthrough to beat the game I figured I could do a "side story" with another character.

I created an imperial soldier once and played around a bit with that but I didn't feel quite satisfied with just running around patrolling roads or the town of Solitude.

But then recently I tried out archery by misstake with a test character I did. And found that crosbows was loads of fun. And then in combination with sneaking it was even more fun. And very assassin like. Using the Sneak Tools mod also gives the opportunity to slit throats which in my opinion is pretty nice. Not to find work. The Dark Brotherhood for sure offers some good fun, but I was also thinking that the Empire would.

The Stormcloaks feels more like upfront warriors and would not use assassins, but the imperials do feel a bit more sneaky in that sense.

So beeing a imperial assassin could offer some nice perks I guess. Specially if I can infiltrate a Stormcloak camp and eventually in the end kill Ulfric. ;)

So now I just want some ideas on what to wear. I'm not so much into the "fancy pansy" mod armours, the Dark Brotherhood looks like nerds. I want something that fits in the Skyrim world.

And skill setup. And equipment.

Crossbow is a must.

I'm thinking a steel dagger (I don't like fantasy weapons).

Lockpicking should be good to have.

Arcehry. Sneaking.

To be honest, I'm not very familliar with potions and such (except for mana/heal/stamina). Any good pots to use?

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Lyndsey Bird
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