Nope. I believe you nailed it on the head.
Because, of course, only Imperials are going to be allowed to raid and are the only race effective in PvP.
/sarcasm (Nod directed at you, agmar)
Nope. I believe you nailed it on the head.
Because, of course, only Imperials are going to be allowed to raid and are the only race effective in PvP.
/sarcasm (Nod directed at you, agmar)
Man you are not even reading what people post, you are just seeing what you want to and not even trying to take reason into account. Like i said you are just wanting to give lip service and complain, let me guess you didnt get it did you? What was the reason? Was it because you wouldn't sully yourself by stooping so low to buy a CE with something others wouldnt get or is it because you didnt have the cash for it?>
I just wonder if the op realizes he sounds (whiny) like all the F2P Advocates?
Let's just say it's not the kind of thing that worries me.
I don't make a point like this without realising that 95% of the people here are blind fans willing to overlook any broken promise because they're emotionally invested.
The potential for a few people thinking about this when they might not have is MORE than worth all the endless denial bashing. Let's just say I'm used to such things
“If you like your race, you can keep your race. If you like your current game plan you can keep it."
Not sure how this relates entirely, but I thought it would be amusing....
Just as i thought, you are too good to lower yourself to purchase the CE, i was wondering what it was lol Well i am glad someone has taken it upon themselves to rise about the den of inequity and try to prove a point ) Kudos to you Good Sir
Difference being that I'm bashing a decision because of a lack of integrity and a broken promise.
You're bashing a person you don't agree with, because that's apparently your approach to disagreement.
Can't say that's a cause for much concern to me.
Is this yet another attempt at a "subtle" insult that you're not going to admit to?
I'm impressed
Whether or not I choose to get the CE has nothing to do with the CE representing a broken promise and a lack of integrity.
Nobody is bashing you they are just tired of you not even looking at the facts and trolling everyone. I know i have made multiple posts trying to explain it to you but you just dont care, you want your cake and eat it to, damn the torpedoes full steam ahead (i hope you will understand what i am trying convey with that last statement)
You know, the more people complain about the CE, the more value it seems to add to it. Any buyers remorse I may have had seems to be going away. Thanks!
Oh, so you're the sort of person who thinks that because some people behave in a negative fashion other people who might have a seemingly similar opinion also do that?
Point out where I've attacked you.
Seems you the only person that has been acting negatively, 90 percent of these posts were trying to show you logic and explain to you why the stats are irrelevant.
I've responded to all the points and so far, they've not been able to sidestep the fact that it's a broken promise and it's a clear lack of integrity. We have unique powers for people who pay extra in a subscription based game.
If you can come up with a rational argument supporting why that's not something to worry about, I'll gladly acknowledge it. But you're too stuck insulting people left and right who don't agree with you. That's pretty weak, but it's hardly my concern.
Oh yeah, I'm the one bashing people
That's something I leave to others, it's not really my thing. If you want to lie about it - that's ok with me.
As for "trying to show me" - that's the key, as it's nothing but a weak attempt at dismissing the issue with paying for unique powers.
Little chance that you have better stuff than your Imperial Edition counterparts in PvP. We will see for sure at launch if the PvP armor and PvE armor is the same and that every player with Imperial edition beats the crap out of you. All I can advice is wait and read the reviews. Speculation doesn't exactly have to match the reality.
I made it clear in my original post. What about it don't you understand?
I can afford the CE quite comfortably - but that has nothing to do with my position on broken promises.
To me, any unique power (as in, NOT cosmetic) that's only available to people who pay extra is a big issue in a subscription based game. It bodes very ill for the attitude of the developers - and it means I could be playing a game that could offer up anything in the store as it suited their agenda.
That's a game that's hard to feel good about.
It's a cause for concern.
Get it? I'm not asking you to agree - but do you get my point?
Thank you, that's all that matters to me.
I wouldn't go as far as calling it P2W. It's not pay to win but it is extra content which should be included in the game price. [censored] the game isn't even released lol
They did say they wanted to make this game a subscription model because they wanted to provide the players with all the content in the game for a monthly price remember ? It was even in a video with the head guy talking. They also said what you quoted above not wanting to add pay gates. So before they even release the game they have content that you have to pay extra for on top of a box price and a monthly sub ? LOL
Now I make enough money to not really care that much 80$ is still cheap entertainment for the amount of time you'l spend playing the game.. But I think everyone that has anything to do with making this game just lost 100% of their cred-ability