[WIPz] Imperial Farm

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:40 pm

I'm making a farm on the IC Isle that can be bought and upgraded to become a working farm sim.

Catch creatures and move them around.

The player catches animals by using a spell that works like a soul trap. But the script gives the player a special book that can be placed and clicked on to make the animal caught appear, the animal can also be clicked on to turn it back into a book, so the player can transport his stock if need be.

A fish pen will house fish in a nearby water source.

Feed the creatures or they don't produce and die.

Creatures must be fed every 3 days or they stop producing ingredients; after 6 days they with no food they will die. They will also need water, gathered from a very nearby water source.

Carnivours need creature ingredients and the prey need plant ingredients.

Get ingredients from the creatures and plants.

Each creature produces 3 times the ingrediens they are fed, the amount they are fed is so far infinite, so the player gets more for his effort. Bigger creatures will require more than small creatures to survive, but they will produce more.

Plants will be scripted to add more than the usual do. The more they are looked after they more they will produce. Lack of water after 6 days will kill them.

Fertilise plants with creature ingredients for bumper harvests.

Breed creatures.

If 2 or more of one creature type are held in a pen, they will breed. To breed, they will need double the required ingredients. They will create offspring every 6 days, the more you feed them the quicker they breed, you can get offspring every day if you feed them enough.

Hire employees.

Basic workers can be hired who can be set to do tasks for the player, like going to market and gather ingredients so player doesn't have to. Selling goods. Gathering water. Tend to crops.

Workers will have the option to be upgraded for a price. It will take 3 days for them to fully research their new job roles and become that worker. Workers include:-

Tradesman: Sells players produce at 100% of their value.

Animal Husband: Creatures will become twice as productive with his help.

Horticulturalist: Plants will become twice as productive with his help.

Buy processing plant

Player will be able to buy a farmhouse that acts as a processing plant and produces generic Farm Goods that can be sold for 5 times the ingredients worth that was used to create the goods.

Progress so far:

The farm so far includes 1 farm house. 2 pens, 1 for carnivour creatures and 1 for prey creatures. They are unique creatures setup to not fight each other, but the carnivours will eat the prey.

Unique creatures created with their scripts and factions.

A spell is done that allows the catching of the creatures. I am using a weakish enchanted club that the player must use to "kill" the animal, but the corpse disapears and the player is given his creature item to transport his catch.

Scripting is done for moving creatures around and placing them.

Currently starting work on scripts that will start handling harvesting of creature ingredients and breeding.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:22 pm

Cool idea. Oblivion needs more mods like this!

Good luck!
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kelly thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:19 pm

Soudns great! I love farms and farming mods.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:39 pm

Harvest Moons?
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:51 pm

Harvest Moons?

Yep, took some inspiration from that :)
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:44 pm

An update on progress...

Creature Pen is working now and so is the daily feeding and harvesting.

Starting to feel like a proper farm now.

Ingredients have to be refined into Animal Feed before they can be used, with most ingredients giving only 1 portion of Animal Feed where Venison, Mutton and Boar Meat give 2 portions. Plant ingredients only give 0.5 portions.

I might link the refining to the players Alchemy skill. The higher the alchemy the more successful the refining is and lower levels will lose some ingredients in the process.

Harvesting is automatic and the harvest is added everyday to a chest currently. Would like to maybe setup something more immersive, but it does for now.

If player skips one day of feeding, the animals don't produce, and the next day they require double the feed but will only produce one day worth of harvest. A penalty for not feeding the animals every day.

Still deciding whether to have seperate pens for carnivours and herbivours, or just house them all together for simplicity and ease.

Next big thing will be the breeding pen, where pairs of creatures are put and must be fed double to reproduce and they will not produce harvest during the breeding days.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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