Unarmored skill is completely broken in the xbox version with no way to repair it. It doesn't work. The skill goes up but you get no additional protection unless you're wearing at least one piece of light armor on your body, so wear some boots and/or cloth bracers. I'd pick a birth sign with magic attributes since you're a Healer. If you really wanna role play pick one like the Tower or the Lady. Only use staves and your fists, since you're role playing. For that last unused skill I'd go with athletics or mercantile since you'd get use out of either. Enchant is a good one too. In fact, go with Enchant..it'll come in handy for getting more uses from enchanted robes and staves.
Join the Imperial Cult as soon as possible. Whether you also join the Temple or Mages Guild depends on how strictly you wanna role play this guy as a devotee of the Imperial religion. I'd join them all for the healing and transportation benefits if nothing else. Likewise, join House Redoran even though you're not a fighter type. It's more honorable than Hlaalu or Telvanni. Since you want to role play this guy as a serious healer, he would have too much integrity for the other two.
Yeah I'm aware of the issue, but thanks for the warning.

I was thinking enchant or mercantile but I decided that a healer (or at least this healer) has no desire for money except as a means of buying necessities and transport. Enchant might work though.
I had already decided on joining the Cult for the healer quests and possibly Mage's Guild but I'm not sure MG would appeal to my character. I hadn't considered a great house and having never played very far through the Redoran quests I'm not quite sure what to expect. I might not bother with any of them, but I will bear your suggestion in mind later in the game.
Well, Restoration, mysticism, conjuration, blunt weapon all seem like auto includes, I'd use light armor to round out your major skills, as for minor I would say Alchemy, Hand-to-Hand, Athletics, Acrobatics, and alteration. You would need to be born under the Atronach to have any shot at a decent magicka pool. The reason I chose Conjuration as a major was mainly for the turn undead spell, which fits quite well and is fairly handy, IIRC it functions as intended in the xbox version and would be very helpful.
Don't be afraid about the stunted magicka from your birthsign as it's hardly a factor, you have alchemy to make potions to help out, and you'll always have your shrines to absorb the magicka of. I could see this character as a wanderer of sorts, spreading the good word and helping people in need. Could be pretty fun.
Hope that helped a bit and best of luck to you! :goodjob:
I hadn't thought of the turn undead spell, it does fit rather nicely. I'll have to decide between that or enchant. I suppose mark and divine intervention will negate the stunted magicka effect so it does sound like the best way to increase my magicka pool. The reason I wasn't considering it was because I wasn't sure just how much magicka I will be using over potions and fleeing. I was just being naive I think, the MQ will require all my survivability spells I'm sure. I'll probably keep unarmoured over light armour though, I think it fits better.
A wander of sorts is just how he is going to be, I'm looking forward to the journey

I've been with MW since it was released and never have run into any quest that calls for a healer. At least not long enough to make being
a healer interesting. Goes to show you how vast this game is.
There's a few but certainly not enough. He can't help that his previous profession before being imprisoned is hardly called for on Morrowind, but he does the best with what he's got and his willing to serve his Emperor
Thanks guys, really helped. I'll take Atronach and fill the undecided slot with conjuration.