Imperial Legion vs. Stormcloaks

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:43 pm

I'm conflicted. The one thing I like about the Stormcloaks is the house you get!
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:34 am

You get a special house for being a Stormcloak?
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:35 pm

I don't remember a house for Stormcloaks.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:30 pm

I don't remember a house for Stormcloaks.

You get the ability to buy property in Whiterun.....
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:54 am

He's talking about the house in Windhelm. It's pretty nice.

As for the poll, go for Stormcloaks, unless you like kissing Thalmor butt. :P
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:24 am

I joined Imp. Legion and got the house in Windhelm so im not sure why it's being used to argue for the Stormcloaks.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:24 am

He's talking about the house in Windhelm. It's pretty nice.

As for the poll, go for Stormcloaks, unless you like kissing Thalmor butt. :P

Yeah, so you can only get the Windhelm house with the Stormcloaks?

That's gay that they didn't allow the Empire to be restored- and also get its honor back...
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:48 am

Yeah, so you can only get the Windhelm house with the Stormcloaks?

Nope, but you have to finish the Legion questline in order to buy it, should you joing them.

That's gay that they didn't allow the Empire to be restored- and also get its honor back...

Alas, that would make choosing a side too black and white.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:06 am

Well it's up to you go with the stormcloaks and follow a racist manchild who just wants power or join the legion cut his head off and take that house without joining the stormcloaks. :wink:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:13 am

While I generally argue in favour of the Empire, I actually really like fighting for the Stormcloaks. I felt all liberator-y. Well, except for

when I deposed my best bro, Jarl Balgruuf, and he was all like, "son I am disappoint." At that point, I felt pretty bad.

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Amy Melissa
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:24 am

For the house, I've heard using the Imperial version is bugged so the only safe way to get the house is the do the Stormcloak quests.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:13 pm

Ulfric makes the best speeches.

He totally sweet talked me into joining his cause.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:15 pm

Well it's up to you go with the stormcloaks and follow a racist manchild who just wants power or join the legion cut his head off and take that house without joining the stormcloaks. :wink:

While I don't want to argue videogame politics, calling Ulfric a racist manchild is pretty drastic. He isn't racist like some of his followers.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:11 am


when I deposed my best bro, Jarl Balgruuf, and he was all like, "son I am disappoint." At that point, I felt pretty bad.

Meh. It's not your fault that he made the wrong choice for the sake of comfort and stability. He made his bet... then his time came to pay up, and he cried like the spoiled little girl that he is.

While I don't want to argue videogame politics, calling Ulfric a racist manchild is pretty drastic. He isn't racist like some of his followers.

I don't know about that. I'm a Stormcloak supporter myself, and I think that Ulfric is pretty racist. Also, rather ruthless, if you've ever read the history of Markarth.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:00 am

I also felt pretty bad about betraying Balgruuf. For killing Rikke, too.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:25 am

Meh. It's not your fault that he made the wrong choice for the sake of comfort and stability. He made his bet... then his time came to pay up, and he cried like the spoiled little girl that he is.

But the thing is, he didn't. He was trying to maintain neutrality and protect his people from needless bloodshed. Regardless of which campaign you follow, he only sides with the Empire after Ulfric decides to attack him.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:17 pm

I don't know about that. I'm a Stormcloak supporter myself, and I think that Ulfric is pretty racist. Also, rather ruthless, if you've ever read the history of Markarth.

I agree he is racist, but I think he is more racist at this point because he is fighting for the freedom of Skyrim. Obviously, you have to get your people on your side, and saying that you support their customs and traditions is a good way to win them over. Some of his followers are just flat out racist pricks, like one of the nobles in Windhelm (been about 3 days since I last played, can't remember name) who says "Every night, I walk around the grey district and tell those Dark Elves just what I think of them." Or something like that. Now that, is extremely racist.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:37 pm

100% Legion (albeit with reservations about some policy decisions). You can purchase the Windhelm house after Ulfric the Self-serving Pretender lies dead on his throne and a Jarl that can be respected for his wisdom and compassion is placed on its throne.

After pouring way too many hours into the game I've come to find that the Imperial side has people of true courage and valor juxtaposed to the empty boasts of honor from greedy short-sighted xenophobes. I absolutely loved how the Stormcloaks were a believable "evil" faction, with obvious inspirations from real-world groups seen today, and that players could actually be duped into believing their rhetoric after encountering the bad side of the Empire. Of course, the longer I interacted with the NPCs the more heroes I found amongst the Imperials and the more apparent the hypocrisy amongst the Stormcloaks became, with at least two Jarls only half-heartedly backing Ulfric's cause despite recognizing his true motive. I was seriously inspired by the nobility of some of the Legion NPCs (to say nothing of the Emperor himself).

The conflict truly made players have to think about what they were doing and who to believe. Shame that the Civil War quest-lines themselves were lacking in substance and too impersonal after the first siege. Probably my biggest disappointment when it comes to Skyrim's Quest quality.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:04 am

I never joined either side, but for some reason the Stormcloaks are attacking me in their territories. I don't remember ever officially starting a conflict with them, does anyone know why they would all suddenly start hating me? All i know is that one day they didn't seem to mind me near them, then the next time i saw one of their camps they tried to kill me. I hope this isn't a glitch.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:10 am

100% Legion (albeit with reservations about some policy decisions). You can purchase the Windhelm house after Ulfric the Self-serving Pretender lies dead on his throne and a Jarl that can be respected for his wisdom and compassion is placed on its throne.

After pouring way too many hours into the game I've come to find that the Imperial side has people of true courage and valor juxtaposed to the empty boasts of honor from greedy short-sighted xenophobes. I absolutely loved how the Stormcloaks were a believable "evil" faction, with obvious inspirations from real-world groups seen today, and that players could actually be duped into believing their rhetoric after encountering the bad side of the Empire. Of course, the longer I interacted with the NPCs the more heroes I found amongst the Imperials and the more apparent the hypocrisy amongst the Stormcloaks became, with at least two Jarls only half-heartedly backing Ulfric's cause despite recognizing his true motive. I was seriously inspired by the nobility of some of the Legion NPCs (to say nothing of the Emperor himself).

The conflict truly made players have to think about what they were doing and who to believe. Shame that the Civil War quest-lines themselves were lacking in substance and too impersonal after the first siege. Probably my biggest disappointment when it comes to Skyrim's Quest quality.

The idea that the Stormcloaks are an evil faction is absurd. The only evil faction in Skyrim is the Thalmor (the reason that the civil war is happening in the first place).
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:33 pm

The idea that the Stormcloaks are an evil faction is absurd. The only evil faction in Skyrim is the Thalmor (the reason that the civil war is happening in the first place).

Myabe not the only evil faction. Dark Brotherhood, anyone?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:50 am

Myabe not the only evil faction. Dark Brotherhood, anyone?

Nonsense, they're totally just misunderstood. All they want is to murder people in peace and comfort, but the Empire just won't stop oppressing them!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:18 am

Nonsense, they're totally just misunderstood. All they want is to murder people in peace and comfort, but the Empire just won't stop oppressing them!

Oh, that thread. My bad :D
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James Smart
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:30 am

Nonsense, they're totally just misunderstood. All they want is to murder people in peace and comfort, but the Empire just won't stop oppressing them!

I'm so glad Skyrim took a hint from New Vegas and decided to make a world so believable and morally grey. I'm just happy people can even be having these debates, it shows a game that truly handles moral choices maturely (as opposed to Oblivion). I mean, you basically HAVE to side with the Blades and the Empire in Oblivion, and that's it. And don't get me started on Fallout 3...

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:28 am

The idea that the Stormcloaks are an evil faction is absurd. The only evil faction in Skyrim is the Thalmor (the reason that the civil war is happening in the first place).

Thalmor are what the Stormcloaks would become if the Nords begin ruthless expansion after taking Skyrim. While the Thalmor are more insidious and their arrogance makes them more loathsome, they aren't too far from the Stormcloaks in spirit.

Note however that I put evil in quotes, as despite being what I consider a bad-guy faction there are plenty of reasons to sympathize with the Stormcloaks and the rank and file are more misguided than malicious. Ulfric on the other hand, is utterly loathsome with how quickly he uses tradition as a talking point or justification then turns on a dime when tradition becomes an inconvenience.

Ulfric 1: It wasn't murder, I challenged him fair and square! (okay so he had no chance and I used my magic dragon shouting which I took an oath not to use for political reasons, much less for my own advancement, whatever)
Ulfric 2: Damn the Jarls and damn the moot! I won't take the chance that they place that milk-drinking puppet's wife on the throne!

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