Alright big news. Started work on the Slums and well it's coming along pretty well. To well in fact, it now makes the Market/Upper area look bad. And so I'm sort of overhauling my current design. Let's see where to start.
First the Slums are now simply the Lower City and the market the Upper City. Lower will still be free of Enforcer supervision so there still good in lawless. However there will be a stronger market vibe then I had planned. The sewer tiled level of the Lower City will have some petty merchants, wandering lowlifes and some doors that lead to shops in there own cell. While the lower Lost Hollows (SI Dementia) rock areas will lead into the true slums (sleeping mats in makeshift tents, campfires, all that good stuff) as well as another entrance to the Lost Hollows themselves.
By contrast the Upper City will now function more as a business district. Apart from Sam / Sally's shop, and the Necromancer merchant everyone up there will have a more lore / quest oriented position. For example Ma'Rhir the current fence will still own the main pawn shop but its now run in the Lower City under heavy guard. While Ma'Rhir himself runs his Highwaymen business venture in the upper city. He will probably have a simple quest or two. The smith will still work there but again his wares are sold below. Now sure what his special function is yet... Mythic Dawn Guy is probably going to spread the good word in the lower city as well. with an office in the upper where he can bring potential recruits. His function remains unchanged, just slightly better Upper City digs and some new wander AI in the Lower City.
The intro quest will also change. Now (unless very very high infamy / fame) instead of the doors opening the platform your standing on will lower. Que loading screen and then lowering some more and your in the Lower City. Think of the Lower City as the public area, anyone's welcome but only those deemed worthy (by virtue of aid / wealth / fame) will be allowed into the Upper area.
I could pull off a quick retexture of the rocks if you like, just let me know how you want it.
Thanks for the offer, I may take you up on that farther down the line. For now though I'm just working on getting everything built, and as you can see from above there's gonna be a lot of that in the near future. =)