It was mentioned to me that the number of lights in the Undercity Market may be causing an undesirable drop in frame rate. If you've looked around the mod please do let me know your experience with this. I want to keep the ambient feel of the mod intact, but I also do want it playable by the average player. So let me know how it ran.
Change Log
-QUEST FINISHED! (looking for feed back on this)
- The first Loaded Deck Imports quest is now finished! Now with 3 possible endings. This quest will take you into the Lost Hollow's, a massive murky cave system that runs under Lake Rumare are beyond. Speak to Cassius Castello to get started if you did not do so in 0.5
-Minor bugfixes
-Some items in merchant displays were unowned.
-Sam did not have accsess to his merchant chest, this may have caused some minor incompatibility with any mod that added things to his merchant list.
-Probably something else to...
-NEW QUEST (Well sorta) A New NPC has been added to the Undercity. Seek out Cassius to learn about Loaded Deck Imports and take a trip down into the Lost Hollows.
-Enforcer patrols added, they don't play nice.
-Intro Quest can now be finished. Find whoever wrote the note that started the quest in the first place.
A quest has been added to enter the undercity the first time. Look around the entrance to the Market District sewers to get started. (would love feedback on the quest, lame dialogue aside)
There was an error that triggered the not enough money dialogue when trying to buy the Apartment, this has been fixed.
-Minor fixes to AI, shops run by two NPCs should transition better with out the cell reloading.
-Added new section to Apartment Complex for future NPC additions
-Included Silent NPC voice files so there's more time to read dialogue.
-Minor bug fix with wall collision in apartment complex
-Changed entryway to be more dramatic
Under the streets of the Imperial City there is a vast network of tunnels. The sewer systems expand as the city above does, twisting and turn turning layers built on top of layers. Who can keep track of it all, who really remembers just how expansive those dark passages are? It it works who cares right? Ignored until there's a problem, the sewers became a haven for bandits and there ilk. But what if something bigger started to take shape? What if the dregs of the city, those shunned by the world above banded together to create a new home in that lost network. And thus the Undercity was born. A city that turns away no one, from less then honest merchants, to Mythic Dawn recruiters. Skooma Dealers, to Necromancers. Thieves, Murderers, even Vampires. All are welcome wayward children return home. But the enforcers are always watching, and those who wrong there fellow outlaw are seldom seen again.
So, that's the intro out of the way. This mod adds a new city to the sewers underneath the Imperial City. The prefect refuge for any character that laughs at the law. Merchants a plenty, with an Inn and buyable apartment. However this mod is far from done, I was not planning on releasing it in any form until everything was perfect, but recent events changed my mind.
Came back to Oblivion after a long break. All my mods were out of date so I decided to do a fresh install and start over. So I grabbed all my personal mods that I've worked on and moved them to a safe place, or at least I thought I did. Turns out I missed one, this one. Data recovery tools got it back, but it was corrupted and refused to load. Had to revert to a version almost 10 months old. Luckily most of what I had done since then was scripting which A: I had saved in text documents and B: Never worked in the first damn place. But it was a wake up call that I really do want this mod to see the light of day (That, and that I really need to back up my work more often). So here it is. I'm still working on it, but this version is more or less playable. The NPCs do there thing (most of the time), the shops are all functional, there's some basic dialogue, even got a tavern room rental and buyable house working. Its going to be buggy, thats just the way it is at this point but its enough to get an idea of what this is all about.
Thats about it, take a look around and let me know what you think.
Oh, and if anyone is interested in helping with this project let me know. I'm not that great with AI in particular, I'm muddling my way through it, but its a lot of slow trial and error. I'll do it all myself, but its going to be awhile =)