Fishy Stick would be greatly appreciated.
The other day, I was talking to a friend of mine about the races of The Elder Scrolls.
I said something along the lines like 'Nords aren't really humans'.
Since I have massive OCD, and the fact that I love Nords, I feel like complete **** and I know I didn't mean it. (Well, I really hope I didn't).
I didn't think properly.
I then said something about Imperials being 'more humonic' (new word) than any other race in The Elder Scrolls.
I know this is an odd topic but would you agree?
(This is slightly to clear my conscience about what I said about Nords).
(Please forgive me brotherly Nords, Nords are the true master race for ever). <3
Would you agree though? That Imperials are more human than Nords? I don't want to agree, but I can't help it.